On 8/25/17 12:55 PM, null wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 2017-08-22 7:17 AM, null wrote:
There seems to be a kind of war going on between the proponents of Adobe Flash, something open source called Webm, and the HTML5 player.

HTML5 is not a media player. It's a language used for writing webpages. The new HTML standard (number 5) allows browsers to play video without the need for a third-party plugin, like Flash, similar to how you don't need a plugin to view images. For more info, this video does a good job explaining it <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsXEVQRaTX8>.

Since that video was published, Adobe has announced plans to kill Flash.

As others have pointed out, the reason why you're having trouble with HTML5 videos is because modern web browsers require something later than Windows XP for HTML5 videos.

Glad you said that HTML5 is not a media player. I never thought there really was an HTML5 player. I only cited it in my original post because people keep using the term as if there was!

There are many video players that one can install on the HD, but there is nothing called the HTML Player. Wish Youtube and various people who write about these things would stop talking as though there was!!

For instance, just found a Youtube video that I can't play, says my browser (SM) does not recognize any of the video formats available. When I click on the link proved in the message to get info about HTML5 video, I get a Youtube help page that says "You can request that the HTML5 player be used if your browser doesn't use it by default" That nonsensical statements implies 1) that something called the HTML Player exists - it doesn't - and 2) fails to explain exactly how I can "request" that the HTML player be used! Further down, there is another reference to "The HTML5 player." These statements referring to "the HTML player" are to me completely meaningless - I have no idea what they are supposed to mean - yet they are put there by Youtube as if what is said is quite clear. The page also says that my SM browser does support HTMLVideoElement, Media Source Extensions, and MSE & WebM VP9, but does not support H.264 or MSE & H.264. So what, exactly, are the implications of this information? I don't know, and Youtube doesn't say.

Are you blocking JavaScript?



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