On 4/10/2018 10:45 AM, IRRITATING SPAMMER wrote:
Lemuel Johnson wrote:
On 4/9/2018 2:31 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
If you toggle the pref to disallow unauthenticated content from being
displayed, do the images disappear?

Edit | Preferences | Privacy & Security | SSL/TLS
[ ] Don't load insecure content on encrypted pages

Unchecked that box, still have images.

It may be significant that the page is served from
https://us2.campaign-archive.com and the images are hosted at
https://gallery.mailchimp.com.  I have "Load All Images" selected in the
preferences permissions.


To the right of that "Load All Images" button is the "Manage Permissions" one.  All of my permissions are cookies-related, do you have anything weird for either of those two domains involved?  Clutching at straws here.

Nothing there for either domain. As per another post, I have "Prevent tracking activities by known sites" unchecked in Edit > Preferences > Privacy and Security.
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