dixvillecl...@gmail.com wrote:
Just to confirm - doing the manual install from 2.46 to 2.49.4 - all of my old emails 
will be migrated to the new version, yes?  I'm just a little gun-shy when I'm asked to 
confirm that I want to install by "replacing" the previous version.  Thanks!

Forget the "migrate". Get the profile(s) off to a data area. Get the ZIP file. Unzip to a place of your choice. Create a shortcut with the form H:\SM250-Win\seamonkey.exe -Profilemanager.

Now when you run the shortcut it will open to profile manager. Select create a profile, and point to the profile you moved.

Now you can unzip as many versions of SM as you wish and they can all use the same profile. Do not replace an app until you are sure you like the new better than the old.
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