Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Now you can unzip as many versions of SM as you wish and they can all use the same profile. Do not replace an app until you are sure you like the new better than the old.

In theory yes but be aware that you can't use different SeaMonkey versions with the same profile. And on Windows the installer registers some dlls (for accessibility and email send from context menu).

I suggest doing a full profile backup and then just installing the new version. Everything also is calling for trouble especially if you forget to start with -Profilemanager once.

You really should be cautious telling someone he cannot do what he has been doing for a couple decades. Once when searching for the date and time of a bug insertion I had twenty versions sitting on the HDD all available and using the same profile.

And, my profiles - of which I have several - are not vulnerable to app changes because they are not part of the app. And the mail files - of which I have well over a hundred - are not vulnerable to profile changes because they are not part of the profile.

The only profile break was between 1X and 2X, and that was a long time ago.

Also I run Win and OS/2 versions SM and they use the same profiles and mail files.

Mozilla apps are really very friendly.

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