On 11/2/2018 11:11 AM, Alex Beauroy wrote:
> is anyone performing mail successfully sent, with a copy in the sent 
> folder and never received for the recipient!!!
> It happened 10 times during the last 24 hours!!!!
> Should I quit SeaMonkey and rely on Thunderbird now???
> Best Regards
> @lex

Such a problem is not always within your own system.  Among other causes:

*  The recipient's mail host might block the message because the
recipients inbox is full, because your ISP was (erroniously?) identified
as a source of spam, or because a possibly innocent attachment to your
message violates some policy.  I have seen this happen.  Worse, I have
seen this happen when the recipient's mail host is not configured to
issue a bounce message.

*  Your own ISP's mail server blocked the message because of an
attachment that is a file-type it does not allow.  I once used an ISP
that would not allow me to send an application (file-type .exe) as an
attachment.  It also prevented me from sending ZIP files.  Both of these
were considered sources of malware.  Again, I got no response message
that my E-mail did not go through.  (In the case of an application, I
would zip it; for that and other ZIP attachments, I would then remove
the file-extension,  My E-mail would instruct the recipient to restore
the .zip extension and then unzip it.)

David E. Ross

President Trump claims there would have been no victims in
the Pittsburgh synagogue if there were armed guards inside.
He ignores the fact that there were two police officers already
in the facility, armed with their service weapons, before
the shooting started.  The problem of mass shootings cannot
be solved by having even more guns.
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