Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
> David H. Durgee wrote:
>> On occasion I am encountering cases where my email becomes "constipated"
>> here with SM 2.49.4 on linux mint 18.3 x64.  This happens after SM is
>> running for a while.  When the problem occurs I notice that I am seeing
>> no new email downloaded for an unusual period of time.  At that point if
>> I go and and request a download of new messages I will get some strange
>> message about UIDL and other things not being supported on the mail
>> server.
>> I attempted to clear this by closing the news/mail window and then
>> re-opening it, but that accomplishes nothing.  Closing SM entirely and
>> restarting it corrects this problem and I then get a download of all
>> messages that were waiting on the mail servers.
>> Is anyone else seeing this?  Is this a known bug?  Are there any actions
>> I can take to avoid this problem?  If it is a know problem, when will it
>> be fixed?
>> Dave
> I'd never even heard of UIDL but
> and another
> link from 1996 told me a bit more.
> A question: How many mails have you already received in the session
> before this happens?

Don't know or keep track.  I have six different email accounts
monitored, some POP3 and some IMAP here.  It is usually several days
after I restart SM and occurs infrequently.  I normally only restart SM
when the memory leaks use so much excess memory that it makes sense to
do so.

> is for
> people writing mail clients but it helped my understanding of the issue.
>  I just ignored the programming stuff.

From the error message I get it appears that this is part of what is
required to leave messages on the server and keep the server messages in
sync with your local inbox with deletions.

Don't know if this provides any additional useful information.

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