Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
> David H. Durgee wrote:
>> Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
>>> David H. Durgee wrote:
>>>> Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
>>>>> David H. Durgee wrote:
>>>>>> On occasion I am encountering cases where my email becomes
>>>>>> "constipated"
>>>>>> here with SM 2.49.4 on linux mint 18.3 x64.  This happens after SM is
>>>>>> running for a while.  When the problem occurs I notice that I am
>>>>>> seeing
>>>>>> no new email downloaded for an unusual period of time.  At that
>>>>>> point if
>>>>>> I go and and request a download of new messages I will get some
>>>>>> strange
>>>>>> message about UIDL and other things not being supported on the mail
>>>>>> server.
>>>>>> I attempted to clear this by closing the news/mail window and then
>>>>>> re-opening it, but that accomplishes nothing.  Closing SM entirely
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> restarting it corrects this problem and I then get a download of all
>>>>>> messages that were waiting on the mail servers.
>>>>>> Is anyone else seeing this?  Is this a known bug?  Are there any
>>>>>> actions
>>>>>> I can take to avoid this problem?  If it is a know problem, when
>>>>>> will it
>>>>>> be fixed?
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>> I'd never even heard of UIDL but
>>>>> and another
>>>>> link from 1996 told me a bit more.
>>>>> A question: How many mails have you already received in the session
>>>>> before this happens?
>>>> Don't know or keep track.  I have six different email accounts
>>>> monitored, some POP3 and some IMAP here.  It is usually several days
>>>> after I restart SM and occurs infrequently.  I normally only restart SM
>>>> when the memory leaks use so much excess memory that it makes sense to
>>>> do so.
>>>>> is for
>>>>> people writing mail clients but it helped my understanding of the
>>>>> issue.
>>>>>    I just ignored the programming stuff.
>>>>   From the error message I get it appears that this is part of what is
>>>> required to leave messages on the server and keep the server
>>>> messages in
>>>> sync with your local inbox with deletions.
>>>> Don't know if this provides any additional useful information.
>>>> Dave
>>> This is way outside my "zone".  My PC runs when I am at home and awake -
>>> or not even then - which is probably typical usage, the number of email
>>> accounts does match though.
>>> The big question is: Is this behaviour inherited from Thunderbird or is
>>> it peculiar to Seamonkey.  Without bothering about pesky things like
>>> evidence, I'll go for Thunderbird.
>>> I suppose you could raise a bug report against Seamonkey, it would then
>>> presumably be reassigned to TB.
>>> When your mail client goes autistic, does that only affect the pop3
>>> accounts or does it affect the imap ones as well?
>> Well, I just hit the problem this morning.  The exact popup I got was:
>> The POP3 mail server ( does not support UIDL or XTND
>> XLST, which are required to implement the ``Leave on Server'', ``Maximum
>> Message Size'' or ``Fetch Headers Only'' options. To download your mail,
>> turn off these options in the Server Settings for your mail server in
>> the Account Settings window.
>> Interestingly, it is only happening to ONE POP3 account.  All other
>> accounts work normally, both POP3 and IMAP accounts.
>> In terms of how long it has been running:
>> hdurgee@Z560 ~ $ ps -ef | grep seamo
>> dhdurgee 29758  2260 18 Dec12 ?        21:02:07 seamonkey
>> dhdurgee 30205  4366  0 09:03 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto seamo
>> dhdurgee@Z560 ~ $
>> I will now restart SM and it should go away.
>> Dave
> Do you actually have one of the 'Leave on Server', 'Maximum Message
> Size' or 'Fetch Headers Only' options set?
> I make routine use of the first one - so that my mails arrive on my PC,
> My Laptop and my Android Phone - but close down the PC and Laptop after
> just a few hours so have never seen this error.
> I do not have a clue if this is a Verizon problem although I rather
> doubt it.  You survive almost 4 days.
> Andrew

I do have "Leave on Server" and "Until I delete them" checked.  I do so
so that I have the option to access them remotely when out of the office.

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