On 1/27/2019 5:00 PM, DoctorBill wrote:
> DoctorBill wrote:
>> I have, in my "Tools" on the top menu bar, a "Complete YouTube Saver"
>> selection.  I can get a rather complex "Menu" with Eight (8) Tabs.
>> I have no idea HOW to use this - I don't even remember downloading
>> this "tool" !    Any links to it say it is Kaput, Gone, Outdated, Fini !
>> Is it NOW illegal to copy YouTube Videos to your hard drive ?
>> I remember some old Copying Programs (like KeepVid - which I had used 
>> long ago) to
>> save videos (machining, reloading, shooting, camera repair, etc, etc.) 
>> which I used.
>> I have the videos on my hard drive.
>> Long story short - can I STILL do that ?  Everything is changing so fast !
>> DoctorBill
> Once again, I jumped the Gun !
> Went to CNET.com and found a Butt Load of YouTube Downloaders....
> Ah well....Guess I'll try one.
> Any help, however, would be appreciated - if you have the patience !
> All I wanted to do is download some Fleetwood Mac Videos !
> DoctorBill

I use the stand-alone ClipGrab from <https://clipgrab.org/>.

David E. Ross

Trump again proves he is a major source of fake news.  He wants
to cut off disaster funds to repair the damage caused by the
Woolsey Fire in southern California because he claims the state
fails to manage its forests properly.  The Woolsey Fire was NOT
a forest fire.  Starting in an industrial tract, it did not burn
through any forests.

See <http://www.rossde.com/fire.html>.
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