David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/27/2019 5:00 PM, DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
I have, in my "Tools" on the top menu bar, a "Complete YouTube Saver"
selection.  I can get a rather complex "Menu" with Eight (8) Tabs.

I have no idea HOW to use this - I don't even remember downloading
this "tool" !    Any links to it say it is Kaput, Gone, Outdated, Fini !

Is it NOW illegal to copy YouTube Videos to your hard drive ?

I remember some old Copying Programs (like KeepVid - which I had used
long ago) to
save videos (machining, reloading, shooting, camera repair, etc, etc.)
which I used.
I have the videos on my hard drive.

Long story short - can I STILL do that ?  Everything is changing so fast !


Once again, I jumped the Gun !
Went to CNET.com and found a Butt Load of YouTube Downloaders....

Ah well....Guess I'll try one.
Any help, however, would be appreciated - if you have the patience !

All I wanted to do is download some Fleetwood Mac Videos !


I use the stand-alone ClipGrab from <https://clipgrab.org/>.

How about this:

Any comments ?  Trying for ones w/o "pups"....
Been learning things.  I'll most likely forget them in a week !

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