Jonathan Wilson wrote:
My guess is that Netflix wont play back content on SeaMonkey regardless of the user agent since SeaMonkey doesn't support the DRM plugins that Firefox (and other browsers do).

Thanks. That makes sense. And it makes it all the more vital to have a fix in SM e-mail, like right clicking on a link to Netflix and have a drop down menu that has the option "Open link in Firefox". Or, better yet, maybe provide a DRM plugin for SM (whatever that is.) After all, Netflix is a major internet site that uses an enormous amount of net traffic that SeaMonkey should be able to utilize.

Oh, well, there is a lengthy go-around: save the link, then open Firefox (or Chrome, or Edge) and open the link there to watch the Netflix trailer etc. This seems to be a real flaw in the SeaMonkey all-in-one mail/browser architecture that goes back to Netscape. Oddly enough, I think it is the first time I've encountered this situation.

Ken Rudolph
support-seamonkey mailing list

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