On 9/24/2019 10:53 AM, Dirk Fieldhouse wrote:
On 23/09/19 22:52, Chris Ilias wrote:
On 2019-09-23 4:33 p.m., Dirk Fieldhouse wrote:
On 23/09/19 18:52, Chris Ilias wrote:
In those cases, you can go back to the bookmark you clicked on, and edit the bookmark URL, then repeat the steps above.

But as I noted in my post above of 22/09/19 23:15, this still

a)    doesn't actually work now, and

b)    couldn't work in general since the mapping URL -> bookmark can be undefined (bookmark (n)-->(1) URL).

Here's a video of me testing it just now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku146eK_wS0

Maybe we're referring to different things?

Unfortunately not, and many thanks for going to the effort of snapping the video.

Obviously there's some difference in our configurations because when I do a similar test the bookmarked URL gets added to the built-in "Other Bookmarks" folder and that folder is highlighted.

My bookmark folder hierarchy is like that shown in the folder pane of your Bookmarks Manager window:

     All Bookmarks
         >Bookmarks Toolbar
         >Bookmarks Menu
     Other Bookmarks

Ignoring for the moment why this behaviour is different for me, it illustrates the general problem that, if the bookmark hierarchy includes different bookmarks for the same URL, the address bar bookmark editor can only identify one of them.

The Parent Folder extension (discussed in the thread above) works within the Bookmarks Manager and so can (and does) show the immediate parent in a column of the bookmark search results.


It's a bit of a pain but Chris' method works for me.
For example, I have an Ally Bank (http://www.ally.com) bookmark in my Financial folder. If I click on the bookmark I'm redirected to https://www.ally.com and the default action for the bookmark icon in the location bar is Add Bookmark. If I edit the properties of the bookmark and change the URL to https... then click it the bookmark icon (now with a green-ish background) opens the Edit Bookmark dialog.
True, the Edit dialog will apply only to the bookmark clicked.

Lem Johnson

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