You realize that Ubuntu 12.04 is been EOL for 2 years and the repositories may no longer be on line. There is an old archive for EOLed releases but it requires some effort to access it and isn't updated.

You should still be able to upgrade to 14.04 even though it is also EOL also as of April this year but the repositories were still on line when I last looked a few weeks ago. If not there are old archives available which should be pretty recent.

You can probably still do-release-upgrade, if your 12.04 is up to date. Then you may be able get SeaMonkey directly from the Ubuntu repositories, if they're still available.

But I'd recommend upgrading to 16.04 since it is supported until April 2021 and after the pain has worn off go to 18.04

If you decide to upgrade be sure to update and upgrade before do-release-upgrade. You'll need to upgrade to 14.04 then to 16.04 and later to 18.04.

All of that would be a good bit of work. But I'm not sure where you can get a current SeaMonkey packaged as a .deb and compiled to run on Ubuntu 12.04

MRoss-GMX wrote:
Ubuntuzilla install of Seamonkey 2.49.5 missing file

But a manual install, download - copy to - extract, does no better;
it just does not work. So either way it don't work.

Computer running Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS precise Linux. Seamonkey 2.49.4
works fine for quite a while now. No real hangups.

I downloaded:

Extracted the download to a proper directory, and tried to launch it
as always. It fails to launch without any display of why.

I am not trying to maintain or run two different versions either. And
the x86 issue always worked for past versions.

So I tried using the apt-get install for seamonkey(Sourceforge
Ubuntuzilla), and all seems well until attempting to start seamonkey,
which returns: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.17' not
found (required by seamonkey);
and I cannot find the file to copy/install via terminal.


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