Hawker wrote:
On 10/29/2019 7:08 PM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Hawker wrote:

Thank you for this great and thorough reply and all the info you gave below as well. This was exactly the clear concise information I was looking for.

Also thank you very much for your work on the project against all the odds and lack of help.  Some of us are still really hooked on SM.

Me too or I wouldn't do it :)

Speaking for me I see the handwriting on the wall and assume with x.57 being the end of the line (and a late release) I will need to move on at some point.

Seriously enjoy while it lasts and if you go back in time in the newsgroups you see exactly the same threads about the imminent death of SeaMonkey around the corner. So fast forward to now and it is still here :)

I have tried to move to other browsers but I don't like any of them. FF has a few deal breakers in how it handles privacy that make it not usable for me and others lack features I depend on.
It reminds me of how long I clinged to Netscape 4.8 until MozSuite caught up.

New Chromium Edge looks ok as a second browser and I am no MS fan. But SeaMonkey is still a lot more usable to me.

If Email is the big issue with the new releases that is a non issue for me. Alas I had to move my e-mail to TB a couple years ago when it became apparent SM would not get TBs search capabilities and the SM mail client was getting crazy sluggish and having trouble handling my huge e-mail base that TB didn't seem to have issues with. I kept having to split directories to smaller chunks so it was usable and not sluggish, a problem TB didn't have. I don't care for TB as much as SM but I had to much e-mail to have those issues on my work files.

2.57 should cure this. RDF needs to go which means it will get more or less the same code as TB unless we reinvent the wheel (unlikely). Just not the interface which will stay :) 2.53 is already a lot better. I had serious problems and crashes in 2.4x releases with IMAP. All gone. TB devs also fixed a lot of bugs in the backend and mozilla in Gecko. They gutted the frontend but not all bad in the backyard.

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