Henrik37 wrote:
Henrik37 wrote:

I should have written that both PCs were running SM 2.49.5, NOT 2.95.

Henrik37 wrote:
Oops --

I should have written that both PC's were running SM 2.49.5, NOT 2.49.

Henrik37 wrote:
On my wife's 32 bit PC running Windows Seven Home and SM 2.95, sites frequently fail to load properly and the following error message is displayed:  "SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER">SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER".

Any suggestions on hot to fix this problem?

On my 64 bit PC running Windows Seven Pro and SM 2.95, no such problem is observed.

On both machines, Kaspersky Interner Security is the security software in use.  On both machines, Microsoft update shows that all updates are in place.

Related:  what are the respective Mozilla browser and e-mail software versions that SM 2.95 is based on?

Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions, advice, and fixes.

Despite my having thoroughly screwed up this post, thanks to WaltS48 for the info on from where SM 2.49.5 draws from Mozilla.


Certificate failures are almost every time cause by the av software. I would turn off any https scanning. The software plays man in the middle.




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