Henrik37 wrote:
On a 64 bit Dell Optiplex running 64 bit Win 7 Pro, I presently have SM 2.49.4 installed.  I am not certain whether existing SM mail is 32 bit or 64 bit as it has been in use for several years.

I want to change the company providing the mail service and change the name of the mailbox.  In the process, however, I want to keep all of the existing inbox and sent mail files.

Can I simply copy the old inbox and sent mail files and paste these two files into a new mail account I establish with the new mail provider?

Please put any comments in simple language as I am 82 and although I go back to the MS-DOS days, I have forgotten more PC-related things than I like to admit. Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice, comments, or guidance.

Firstly, you almost certainly have the 32-Bit version of Seamonkey - the first 64-Bit release-version for Windows was 2.49.5 and has not been around for more than a few months. Not that this really matters in this context. As an aside: If you want to install a newer 64-Bit version then you download it, uninstall the old version (backup your profile) and install the new version. You can't upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version directly, the data will be ok.

I suppose you could update your email profile to point to the new email provider, but if you want to change the name of the Inbox anyway then you simply add a new account alongside the old one. Update the old one to stop communicating with the old email provider when you cease using it. You might as well delete the old "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" entry around then.

Someone like FRG would need to say if you can actually copy the contents of one of those Email directories to another one, if you do then I believe you would be better off if you did not copy the .msf files.

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