Richard Owlett wrote:
On 07/07/2020 03:22 PM, Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
Well, you can always delete the entry in the password manager.  It will then ask you for a password (along with your email user-name). Since the exact form of the user-name varies between email providers, make sure you remember what it is supposed to look like. In my case, the user-name could be hyperspace.flyover or

Didn't work.
Never got a chance to enter password. Received error message:
Sending of username did not succeed. Mail server ****** responded:
Invalid format for plain response.

It could be that the port, connection security or authentication method need to be updated in SeaMonkey's account settings (Edit > Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings > [Account Name] > Server Settings).

Although you may not have changed anything in SeaMonkey, mail providers sometimes change what they require. It might not be a recently announced change either, if they brought in new settings some time ago, but still supported the old method until recently. Most providers give the details needed somewhere on their support pages.

Also, as others have mentioned, check that the username is definitely in the right format - depending on the provider, sometimes it needs to be the whole email address, sometimes only the part before the "@" (I even once had an account which needed the whole address but with "@" replaced with "#"!) Again, providers sometimes change what they expect, so worth checking even if it's previously been working.


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