In 2.53.3 (Linux LXLE x86, Ubuntu 16.04), I have Layout: Wide View with the folder and thread panes visible. These issues appear that are new compared with 2.49.5 and earlier.

#1 There is a strange horizontal striping (alternate lines) at the RHS of the folder pane behind the scroll-bar. Presumably some off-by-N theme issue?

#2 About 1 in 3 clicks on a folder in the folder pane fail to change the thread pane to the newly highlighted folder. Cursor navigation appears to work reliably. Something is swallowing clicks?

#3 Possibly related to #2? The Error Console reports "Too much recursion" for certain lines in chrome://calendar/content/calendar-ui-utils.js (at or in function setElementValue()) - some event handler is being churned?


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