NFN Smith wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:

It tells me >  Firefox 60 on Windows 10
✗ Your web browser is out of date
Out of date web browsers can have security problems and may cause websites to not work properly.
You have version 60, why not upgrade to 86?

Well, Firefox 60 is out of date. The current version is 86 and the ESR version is 78.something.something.

The only site I have to switch user agents for at present is Chase, and they accept Firefox 68 there.  In general I believe it best to stay as close to reality as possible, as a site might attempt to use features only implemented in later releases if it thinks they are available.

Chase is long known to be especially unfriendly to Seamonkey, but where spoofing is generally enough to get around problems.  Although rejection errors are often phrased as "outdated" and imply that older versions of Firefox may not have sufficient capacity, most of the time, the only thing compelling about newer versions of Firefox is fixes of security holes.  However, with Firefox, virtually every x.0.0 release has security fixes, often holes introduced within the last one or two release cycles.  Thus, I don't believe that any site will reject a connection that shows Firefox 78 (implied, 78 ESR), even if there are security fixes for each version since 78, all the way up to the current 86.0.  Thus, I believe concerns about security holes to be mostly overblown.

I've noted before that the most frequent places I see objections to Seamonkey (and older Firefox UA strings) tends to be at financial institutions, and where their objections to Seamonkey mostly come from their unwillingness to invest any effort other than stock Firefox (and I suspect that there's a growing number that would ignore Firefox entirely and standardize on Chrome, if they could get away with it).  Chase is merely one of the most aggressive out there.

I know that one of the things that drives UA sniffing is server scripting.  With NoScript active, I've found that I less frequently get barks about aged or unsupported browsers (as well as things like EU cookie warnings).  However, for sites that require logins, it's frequent that User Agent sniffing is done by scripting from the same servers that are used to process login credentials. Therefore, if you block the particular scripting host, you won't get UA complaints, but you can't log in, either.

Not all UA handling relies on scripting.  On my own server, I do filtering of UA settings through the server's .htaccess file, as a way of defending against bot activity.  Besides stuff that's obvious (never-valid versions, and UA strings with syntax errors) I generally use .htaccess rules to reject really old versions (e.g. IE versions before 11, Chrome versions before 70, etc.) because a connection showing those UAs is far more likely to be a bot than a live user.  But if connection is rejected that way, the user merely gets a 403 error ("Access Denied". The only way it's possible to display a plea/demand for an acceptable browser is via scripting.

To my knowledge, other Mozilla-derived browsers that use the same syntax of UA strings (particularly PaleMoon and Waterfox) tend to have the same issues that we Seamonkey users do, although I haven't examined extensively.  And for some reason, sites tend not to complain about non-Google Chromium browsers, such as Opera, Iron or Brave.

All that said, if you're resorting to spoofing, there's nothing that *requires* using a valid UA string.  If a site is simply looking for a particular version, it's common that they're not looking for anything else.  I haven't tried it, and handling likely varies from site to site, but a lot of the time, I don't see a reason why you can't spoof, showing something like:

   Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.7

This one happens to be a Linux string and the most current version of Firefox, but I think that most sites don't really care what platform you're showing.  Most of the time, they're merely looking for a minimum version of Firefox that follows the slash.  Some may pay attention to "Seamonkey" following "Firefox", but few do.  And in my experience, what you show following rv: is irrelevant. Notice that I've also rendered Seamonkey as 2.53.7 (which is still beta), but I don't think that really matters, either.

If you want to do it with Windows (and with Firefox ESR) you can use:

   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.7

One additional consideration of spoofing is that if you resort to this kind of thing, it very clearly identifies you, and pretty much uniquely.  If you're sensitive to that kind of tracking, your best bet would be to stay under the radar, and show just string from Firefox 78 ESR:

   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0

With Seamonkey, remember also that UA spoofing applies also to the User-agent: header used in mail.  Thus, for the message that I'm replying to posted by David Durgee, my use of the dispMUA extension shows an orange Firefox logo, meaning that when he posted the message, he was spoofing a Linux version of Firefox 60. That's not necessarily a problem, but I will note that for somebody that's paying attention, an email message that was composed with a browser is odd.  Because I do spoofing myself (and occasionally forget to remove spoofing before sending email), I know that when I see a message showing a browser UA, it's because the sender was doing spoofing.

Actually not spoofing other than Chase, I simply have the preference set to identify as Firefox under HTTP Networking. Perhaps that preference should be ignored in the news/mail component of SeaMonkey.

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