Going to be a little rude answering to my own post...

Shutting down and restarting the node made it works as supposed again,
connections are booming and processor and bandwidth is used again.

Can it be so that the load estimation routine is sort of 'leaking'
resources. Maybe it was a missguided effort from the overload protection
mechanism that made my node unusable?
Many of my threads where allocated to 'ConnectionJob', can it be so that
the only thing they where doing was rejecting connections (also a kind
of ConnectionJob I guess)?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Niklas Bergh
Sent: den 25 november 2002 10:07
Subject: [freenet-support] Stale threads

I think I'm seeing the (once before mentioned) problem with threads
dying (or at least idling).

My node has been running for 20 hours straight now. Requests have
dropped from about 10k/hour to 100/hour, connections have dropped from
50-100 active to 3, incoming connections graph looks like an inverse
logarithmic graph. My processor is unused (5% load) and  there is no
network activity worth mentioning.

This is what the 'General information' page in fred says:

Node Version 0.5
Protocol Version 1.46
Build Number 537
CVS Revision
Uptime 19 hours 9 minutes


Current routingTime 0ms
Active pooled jobs 208 (104.0%) [Rejecting incoming connections and
requests!] Available threads 34 It's normal for the node to sometimes
reject connections or requestsfor a limited period. If you're seeing
rejections continuously the node is overloaded or something is wrong
(i.e. a bug). Current estimated load 100.0%

Note the extreme difference between my machine:s actual load (5%) and
freds estimated load (100%)

If I look under 'environment':

Class Threads used
freenet.Message: NodeAnnouncement 1
freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface$ConnectionShell 36
freenet.interfaces.LocalInterface$ConnectionShell 2
freenet.Message: DataRequest 5
freenet.OpenConnectionManager$ConnectionJob 188
freenet.client.InternalClient$ClientMessageVector 1

I think that 188 threads in ConnectionJob and 36 threads in
ConnectionShell is quite a bit to high for my puny 3 active connections.



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