From: Wayne McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I *think* that freenet.conf is set by default to assume as 256Kbits connection
> (based on a rule of thumb of setting limits to half bandwidth capacity).
> You would want to adjust:
> inputBandwidthLimit=12500000
> and
> outputBandwidthLimit=12500000
> Those suggested values are in bytes. You may want to adjust, but the default
> values would be too low.
> I'm no expert, but I'd strongly urge you to consider the 1.4.2 Java release:

Thanks.  The comments in the freenet.conf file say that inputBandwidthLimit and
outputBandwidthLimit are in units of bytes per second, not bits per second - is
that incorrect?.  I had inputBandwidthLimit at 0 (no limit), and
outputBandwidthLimit at 20000, since I believe my cable output is limited at
512Kb(its)ps, corresponding to a theoretical maximum of 64KB(ytes)ps, and I
wanted something left for other applications.  There's room for increase there,
so I'll try that.  The mention in the comments that these were "independent" limits
led me to infer that there was some some further overriding limit from which they were
independent, but I'm going to revise my thinking to understand that they're simply
independent of each other.

I'm not highly motivated right now to update the Java environment.   So far I haven't
had observable environment errors.  The security issues I'm aware of involve
violations of the security sandbox - a moot point with freenet - and a JVM crash/Dos,
which I'll deal with when I see crashes.  If you're aware of something more serious,
please tell.

> What does FRED have to say for itself?

Wow, lots of pretty graphs .  The numbers at the top of the report:

Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit) 198 (132/66/200)
Transfers active (Transmit/Receiving)     24 (13/11)
Data waiting to be transferred            1,285 Bytes
Total amount of data transferred          4,483 MiB

> My personal experience (counts for very little) is that it took 9 days to
> become better connected - then suddenyl everything started working
> beautifully.

Double plus thank you!  I can wait a couple weeks.  I saw the claim that freenet
could be competetive with bittorrent, and was worried that I'd botched something
badly.  I think I've been through about four of the FAQ pages, a couple of which
have a subtextual hint that it may be quite a while before one's node is fully
connected, but not much idea of the scale of "quite a while".  Setting expectations
is important.

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