Good Morning!

I've recently installed FreeNet, and hope to use it with much
enjoyment! Being that our ISP recently increased us to 1mbit upload, I
hope to dedicate a good portion of bandwidth to sharing.

One issue I'm running into is FProxy running quite slowly IMHO.  I
expect browsing FreeNet would have it's delays due to the way it
works, but I'm talking about things such as,, and
other internal things.

I've search Google and browsed the wiki, but did not find much.  My
hunch is that I need to increase a configuration variable somewhere,
such as max connections allowed by jvm or linux buffers.  However, I
could not find how to do these either.

I'm running Fedora 7 beta (6.93 I believe) with the following for Java:
java version "1.6.0_01"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_01-b06, mixed mode, sharing)

Freenet is running under it's own user, freenet (this was one of my
first steps to potentially help speed it up, with the hunch that my
user was saturating all its allocated resources).  I did see a
priority setting in the config (15), but was hesitant to change this
without consultation.

Any suggestions as to how I might potentially speed up the "local"
fproxy response would be greatly appreciated.  My belief is getting
this to speed up will make the freenet system as a whole improve in

Thanks for your time.

--Don (dmcmorris on Freenode)

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