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On Thu, 8 May 2008, "Evan Daniel" <evanbd at gmail.com> wrote:

{huge snip]

>You might want to upgrade to the latest version of FMS (0.2.14).  I
>found a rather relevant bug, which SomeDude has fixed:  identities
>were publishing captchas even when they weren't publishing trust
>lists.  If you solved one of their captchas, you would be announced to
>them, but not to anyone else.  Given the fraction of identities
>publishing trust lists (low), this means that your odds of actually
>getting announced are small, at best.  0.2.14 will not download
>captchas from identities not publishing trust lists, and won't publish
>them if you're not publishing one.

Ok, I'll have a go at the new version. That definitely sounds like a major
improvement.  I wonder why there's such a low fraction publishing trust

>Yes, the captchas are automatically generated on demand; the code is
>in simplecaptcha.cpp.  If there was a stock database it wouldn't work,
>as a spammer could just harvest the whole database.
>I'm not going to continue my brief attempt to make a different captcha
>system (though I'll keep running my easier version of the same style
>captcha).  There are many far more competent people out there working
>on the problem, and the current state of the art appears to be that
>the spammers are winning.  There have been some interesting proposals
>recently, eg:

I read that article a few days ago.  I'd absoultely hate to see one of
those on a normal internet site but it *might* be useful for something like

>My current belief is that captchas are doomed, and some alternate
>system is needed.  I have no clue what it is; currently, I think
>hashcash might be the best option, as bad as it is.  For now, out of

Hashcash IMO, isn't so bad a solution.  I use hashcash tokens whenever I
email through the panta remailer or the panta mail2news gateway and it's
not a problem at all.

I wouldn't mind in the least generating say, a 34 bit hashcash token and
using that to get introduced.  According to the token generator I'm using"
http://www.panta-rhei.eu.org/downloads/Hashcash/ a 34 bit token would take
me about 1.5 - 3.5 hours to generate.  I would consider exchanging the
visual captchas for hashcash a very worthwhile trade, even at over 7 hours
each to mint 36 bit tokens.

>band introductions are a good thing, though obviously not a complete
>solution -- though I can certainly sympathize with your stubbornness

The out of band thing also applies to 'proper' darknet ref exchanges.  The
problem is that I know *one* person on the planet that runs freenet and
it's an 0.5 node.  Given the nature of darknet I wouldn't want to trade
darknet refs with somebody I didn't know and have reason to trust anymore
than I'd want to do it for FMS intros.

- -- 
My public keys can be found on my freenet site:
SSK at TEx6TiaPeszpV4AFw3ToutDb49EPAgM/mytwocents/63//m2ckey.html
(*NOTE* you must be running freenet 0.5 for this link to be usefull)
and on public keyservers. Key-Id: 0x92769D7E
Fingerprint: 2F07D586C8D4EEA732711338CFEF46E592769D7E
I can be reached either by the NiM form on the freesite or by
Email: m2c AT nym.panta-rhei.eu.org
Frost: MyTwoCents at Z+59LNK9NhMvxewYggENU4Ww50s On the 0.5 Freenet board

Version: N/A


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