mihail at riseup.net wrote:
>> Can you please send me your wrapper.log? This will be in the same
>> directory as
>> the node was installed to.
> Can't say I understand how to do this ...
>> And are you sure that Start Freenet, Stop Freenet, Browse Freenet aren't
>> on
>> your start menu? Under "All Programs", under "The Free Network Project"
>> ...
> Definitely.
> I gave up on Windows and went over to the Linux side of my computer but
> didn't have any success there either.
> I followed the instructions here:
> http://freenetproject.org/download.html
> and got the following output:
> me at me:~$ wget
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
> --16:54:03-- 
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
>            => `new_installer.jar'
> Resolving downloads.freenetproject.org...
> Connecting to downloads.freenetproject.org||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
> Location:
> http://get.freenetproject.org/get.php?location=/alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
> [following]
> --16:54:03-- 
> http://get.freenetproject.org/get.php?location=/alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
>            => `get.php?location=%2Falpha%2Finstaller%2Fnew_installer.jar'
> Resolving get.freenetproject.org...
> Reusing existing connection to downloads.freenetproject.org:80.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
> Location:
> http://mirror2.freenetproject.org//alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
> [following]
> --16:54:03-- 
> http://mirror2.freenetproject.org//alpha/installer/new_installer.jar
>            => `new_installer.jar'
> Resolving mirror2.freenetproject.org...
> Connecting to mirror2.freenetproject.org||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 1,481,085 (1.4M) [application/java-archive]
> 100%[====================================>] 1,481,085    425.35K/s    ETA
> 00:00
> 16:54:07 (419.43 KB/s) - `new_installer.jar' saved [1481085/1481085]
> me at me-laptop:~$ java -jar new_installer.jar
> Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit:
> gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit

It looks like you might be using java which is not Sun's, try running:

sudo update-java-alternatives (if you are on debian-like gnu/linux)
if you don't see something which is sun there, you will need to install that 

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