On Tuesday 06 January 2009 16:51, 3BUIb3S50i 3BUIb3S50i wrote:
> So, Freemulet or Frost "automatic insertion" are dangerous? We know the key
> before the upload of the file.

> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org>wrote:
> > On Tuesday 23 December 2008 18:14, Shironeko wrote:
> > > Dear Freenet Support Team,
> > >
> > > I send you this message because I've stumbled upon a "curiosity"  which
> > I'd
> > > like to get explained since I'm not able to find any other documentation
> > > regarding this issue.
> > >
> > > I was browsing through my hard drive's Freenet Directory, looking at the
> > > latest logs when I suddenly realized that there were IP adresses written
> > in.
> > >
> > > This is an example:
> > >
> > > dic 23, 2008 17:06:14:078 (freenet.node.NodeDispatcher, UdpSocketHandler
> > for
> > > port 266XX(2), NORMAL): Rejecting CHK request from 213.238.213.XX:387XX
> > > preemptively because Insufficient output bandwidth
> > >
> > > I may not fully understand the protocol Freenet uses for data
> > transmission
> > > but these IP's are uplookable and can represent a problem for anyone who
> > > connects from a country like China.
> >
> > I don't see why. For it to be a problem the bad guys would have to already
> > have seized (or electronically compromised) your node, in which case they
> > probably have your browser history, your datastore, your Friends list ...
> > >
> > > Also, I wonder if it would be possible to collect valuable information 
> > > gathering the LOGs of many different nodes and following a specific IP's
> > > requests.
> >
> > Yes, but you'd need to compromise all the nodes on the path of that
> > request.
> > >
> > > Finally I'd like to ask you about this message I found in the logs too:
> > >
> > > "Note that this version of Freenet is still a very early alpha, and may
> > well
> > > have numerous bugs and design flaws.
> > > In particular: YOU ARE WIDE OPEN TO YOUR IMMEDIATE PEERS! They can
> > eavesdrop
> > > on your requests with relatively little difficulty at present
> > (correlation
> > > attacks etc)."
> > >
> > > I suppose that this must be an old message since the Freenet project is
> > not
> > > in a very early alpha version anymore and I'm using 0.7, the latest.
> >
> > This is partly true. There are a number of known attacks on Freenet, which
> > cannot be completely eliminated short of new features which we have not 
> > implemented. On the other hand, for some situations, Freenet may be the
> > best
> > currently available. For example, Freenet's scalable darknet functionality
> > is
> > fairly unusual, allowing you to only connect to people you trust, and also
> > it
> > is easier to safely publish a website on Freenet than on a Tor hidden
> > service
> > afaik (due to e.g. issues with configuring apache to not give away
> > incriminating details, and much harder intersection attacks). The bottom
> > line
> > is if you are going to stake your freedom and/or life on the security of 
> > anonymous network, you need to seriously consider the pro's and con's of
> > each
> > possible option, including doing nothing; Freenet has had severe bugs in
> > the
> > past, and is pre-1.0, but apart from that, we have fairly serious known
> > attacks...
> >
> > There are 4 basic powerful attacks on Freenet that we are concerned about:
> > 1. Harvesting. Finding lots of Freenet nodes quickly, in order to e.g.
> > block
> > them on a national firewall. Most anonymous networks do not address this
> > problem at all. On opennet, harvesting is relatively easy (slightly harder
> > than on Tor or I2P); on darknet, harvesting should be fairly hard.
> > 2. Datastore seizure. What happens when/if the bad guys either
> > electronically
> > compromise or physically seize your computer? At the moment everything you
> > download through Freenet is cached in your datastore. Temporary files are
> > encrypted with ephemeral keys, but for long-term downloads we have to 
> > the keys to disk.
> > 3. Snooping on your peers. It is probably possible, under some assumptions
> > (e.g. being able to identify the content, it being sufficiently large), to
> > do
> > statistical attacks to figure out what those nodes you are connected to 
> > downloading/uploading. This is yet another reason to use darknet.
> > 4. Mobile attacker tracing the source of a stream of content. If an
> > anonymous
> > identity publishes data that can be identified (e.g. reinserting known
> > content, posting to FMS boards, posting to a known freesite), it may be
> > possible to gradually approach his location. Reinsertion of known content
> > makes this much easier, because of CHKs; because we always insert the top
> > block (the freesite USK e.g.) last, if the content isn't guessable in
> > advance
> > it is very difficult to pull this off against large inserts, because the
> > attacker can only identify the stream after the top block (or the FMS post
> > referring to the new file) was inserted; if the content *is* guessable, 
> > attacker can move towards the target continually over the course of the
> > insert.
> >
> > All of these attacks we have some mitigation against, but all of them are
> > feasible to some extent under some mostly-reasonable assumptions. Later
> > versions of Freenet will make them much harder with new features e.g.
> > rendezvous tunnels.
> > >
> > > Thank you very much.
> > >
> > > Shiro.
> > >
> > > PD. I also wonder where the cached and encrypted files on my HD are
> > > gathering.
> >
> > In the freenet directory, generally speaking.
> >
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> > Support mailing list
> > Support at freenetproject.org
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