This is a poke in the dark, but I ran into a number of Xbox live issues with a 
3G Router setup. The Xbox worked fine on the cable connection (which is what we 
were getting rid of) but once we hooked it up to the 3G Router it would not 
work. The 3G router was controlled by the ISP and so I have no access to make 
changes to it.

Logging into Xbox Live did not work and it was complaining that the MTU size 
was incompatible... looking further into it, it appears that there is no fix 
for this (SOL). Since I have not access to the router, I couldn't adjust the 
MTU size and the ISP wasn't interested in helping resolve this issue.

In an effort to trick the Xbox into not knowing the MTU directly, I placed a 
Linksys Router in between the 3G Router and the Xbox... the MTU complaint 
stopped on the Xbox... logging in to play a game worked fine. Multiplayer 
worked. But there were still some problems playing in specific groups, some 
servers not showing up, etc... it got it working, but was still slightly wonky.

I would suggest you look at the MTU size, it is possible that the Xbox is 
unaware or somehow doesn't know the MTU size of the WAN connection (as if it's 
hooked up to the Linksys above), so it doesn't complain and is 
connecting/running like above, but not too well because of MTU upstream from it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Benson [] 
Sent: May-26-10 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] XBOX live not working with public IPS on MY LAN

It sounds to me like you already answered your own question.

You said he plugged his xbox directly into a public ip "bypassing his router", 
I assume you mean bypassing the firewall/router not the CPE device acting as a 
bridge or router from the ISP (without which you dont have internet).  If you 
have bypassed pfSense and still have problems with his xbox, it is either his 
XBOX or its the ISP filtering your traffic.  It doesn't matter that you did 
some custom setup on the firewall, if you bypass it then its not part of your 
issue when failure still occurs.

Unless your referring to him having a linksys router in his room and then that 
gets a public IP from the "LAN" of the pfSense box (like a dorm setup or 
something), you already ruled out the pfSense by having him plug in directly.  
I assume you are just bridging your LAN to your WAN for getting public IP's to 
the LAN?

Trevor Benson
dCAP, LPIC-1, CLA, Network+, MCP, CNA
A1 Networks - Network Engineer
DID (707)703-1041
FAX (707)703-1983

On May 11, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Chris Flugstad wrote:

> So I have a pfsense router in a buidling DHCP'ing pub ip's on the LAN.  I 
> have a user that can connect his xbox 360 online to xbox live but cannot 
> connect to other players or join parties.  He has tried plugging his xbox 
> directly bypassing his router and giving his xbox a pub ip.  this does not 
> work.  i wonder if something would need to be set in pfsense to allow this to 
> work?
> Again, I have public ip's on the inside of my network so i do not have 
> NAT for any of you who are going to respond with responses that would 
> point me into doing fw changes for NAT

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