ken hawkyard-gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Happy new year to you all,
>I was wondering if any one had tried dying ethanol via
>electrolysis? Would this just liberate hydrogen and
>oxygen or would some other process comence and ruin
>the ethanol Best wishes Ken

Hi Ken

I got a response to this from Aleks Kac.

"Alcohols are not entirely non-polar compounds. If you try
to separate a mixture of liquids by this way, I immagine
at least a portion of the alcohol will get lost too. You will
end up with CO2, water, hidrogen, acetic acid. The last
mentioned compound will speed up further ethanol molecule
decay untill there is no ethanol and water left to cover the

Also I wouldn't like to try it - how would you feel about sinking a 
couple of live electrodes into a tank full of petrol? But maybe you 
know a safe way of doing it.

All best

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


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