>Hi Warren
>   In your opinion then, what is the "selling" of global warming based on?
>  Ed

Ed, I don't clearly know. I am not by nature a skeptic, yet am quite 
skeptical with regard to some of the 'big scares' in the news today. 
There seems to be too much junk science and guesswork conclusions 
offered up in support of these scares. As I understand it the theory 
of global warming was originally based on an interpretation of data 
from ground-level monitoring stations. Scare stories in the media 
then began. Subsequent study of temperature data acquired from 
satellites failed to support this theory. So why has global warming 
assumed the appearance of truth in the public perception? A desire to 
secure large amounts of taxpayer funding for 'scientific research' 
may be relevant, and fearful people can be manipulated. A similar 
motivation seems to be involved with the selling of HIV as the cause 
of AIDS. Viruses are identified by pure isolation, photomicrography 
and crystallization, none of which have been accomplished with HIV. A 
while back Keith posted on this list some good info pertinent to junk 
...Warren Rekow

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