>Dear folks,
>who is in charge of moderate and govern the topic
>boundaries of this biodiesel group????
>I have to read a lot of intrascendent material every
>day. (Intrascendent=bulk= trash)
>Please lets get organized ourselves

Dear Paul

I'm the list owner.

It's not just a biodiesel group, it's a biofuels group.

I don't think you "have to read" anything you don't want to read.

I presume you're referring to Todd's rant about King George? Todd's 
welcome to the occasional rant, as is anyone, and in fact I didn't 
see it as off-topic. If it'd developed, or degenerated, into a 
slanging match between pro- and con-Bush factions, eg, I'd've called 
a halt to that, but it didn't. Many on the list wouldn't agree with 
your opinion that it's "trash", which, I suppose, is based on the 
fact that it wasn't strictly about biodiesel? One list comment:

>Hey,  I  really  got  a charge  out  of  the  "King George
>thing"  I`m  in  absolute  agreement !!!

Somebody else recently demanded an end to the "techno-talk and 
theorizing", and I'm not about to entertain that suggestion either.

Todd has meanwhile replied to you, and I support that reply. If you 
want to know the list view of what's on- and off-topic, please read 
Message #4056 of Apr 19, 2001 by NBT - E. Beggs, "Re: Dead Zone", or 
#4209 of Apr 22, 2001 by Appal Energy, "Re: unsubscribe", or #4300 of 
Apr 24, 2001 by Keith Addison, "Re: [biofuel] Wet Blanket was Sea 

This last one says: "Part of our function here should be to provide 
the context for biofuels use. It's not just a matter of 'self 
sufficiency and cost savings regarding energy', important though they 
are. There was a big movement towards renewable energy in the US and 
elsewhere in the early 80s, not for the first time, but it died when 
the fuel prices dropped. Now the biofuels movement is burgeoning 
worldwide, and I'm sure it won't die this time, no matter what the 
fuel prices do, exactly because of the much wider context beyond 
saving a few bucks on fuel. There's much more to it than that, and 
more to it than the technical aspects too, the how-to's and so on. 
Why-to is a major issue, and very connected with all the other 
environmental/political issues. So the topic is and should be a broad 

There is fairly regular discussion on the list about this, or rather 
arguments between those who want a narrow definition and those who 
want full-context. The scope has always been broadly defined, and on 
that basis the list has become the biggest and fastest-growing list 
on its topic on the Internet. As I said, you don't have to read 
anything. Try the delete button, for instance.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


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