Hello Warren,

The orientation (today) is south in fuel lines and north in the air 
intake. But some time ago, on initial tests, I've reversed poles.
My question is: If dyno (and also bio) diesel are'nt magnetic particles 
or magnetic propierties, how affects a magnet the fuel? Is able with a 
magnet to dissociate or catalyze some in fuel?


Hola Warren,

Actualmente la orientaci—n es polo sur en las l’neas de fuel y norte en 
la admisi—n. Pero tiempo atr‡s, en test iniciales, los polos estaban 
Mi pregunta es: Si el dino (y bio) diesel no tiene part’culas o 
propiedades magnŽticas, ÀC—mo afecta un im‡n al combustible? ÀEs posible 
disociar o catalizar con un im‡n el fuel?


Warren Rekow wrote:

> David said
>> Yes, Ian. I'm testing (for one year ago) with very very stong neodymium
>> magnets from used DC electric motor. A pair of them are in line fuel,
>> and the other in intake.
>> ... but, as I said before, nothing apparent occurs.
> Hola David, the orientation of the magnets (south pole facing into 
> the fuel line?) apparently alters their effectiveness. Could you 
> describe how your magnets are arranged on the fuel line?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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