This article makes the Malthusian error of assuming that a quantity will
continue to grow along a simple exponential, when in fact real living
systems always level off through interaction with others. 

Using the same simplistic, pseudo-scientific arguments, one can easily
"prove" that Mankind is already extinct.

Very silly - and discredits the idea of resource conservation when the
kids realize that the argument is bogus. Glad I didn't have this guy for
a teacher.

Marc de Piolenc

Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 08:29:54 +1200
   From: "David  Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: We don't need no stinking efficiency!!!! (?)

         A good article and one everyone on this group should read. I
recently said it is estimated that if we keep finding oil at the same
it is estimated that we have a 70 year supply but that I believe we
halve that with the increasing number of vehicles and countries like
coming on stream. While I have never sat down and done the maths the
examples below show that I may not be too far off the mark.
B.r.,  David

----- Original Message -----
From: Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:00 AM
Subject: [biofuel] We don't need no stinking efficiency!!!! (?)

> New York Times, OP-ED, June 4, 2001
> The Mirage of a Growing Fuel Supply
> COTTSDALE, Ariz. - When I discussed the exponential function in the
> first-semester calculus classes that I taught, I invariably used
> of a nonrenewable natural resource as an example. Since we are now engaged
> in a national debate about energy policy, it may be useful to talk about
> mathematics involved in making a rational decision about resource use.

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