>From: robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: zeolite
>I don't mean to be flip about this, but why don't the ethanol enthusiasts,
>or those using ethanol for biodiesel, simply leave their brew outdoors
>during a winter night?  In the morning, remove the ice floating on top, and
>the winter temperatures will have
>done the distilling for free!
>Anyone tried this?
>*brilliant lateral thinking, rabello !!  i see no reason why it shouldn't
>work. will try it in my freezer soon as i can get my hand on some hydroalky,
>don't have freezing weather these parts of the globe.

Pint of beer in a PET bottle should do it.

>*it's good, solid, practical ideas like these that put 'meat' in this
>*keep them coming, cheers, dick.
>~~~~The ethanol acts as an antifreeze keeping the water from 
>freezing. Also the
>spec. gravity of water is greater than EtOH, it would sink not float. Joe

Would it separate at all? Boiling doesn't work that way, does freezing?

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

>"<snipping> is a consummate art, reserved only for those with exquisite
>taste, and impeccable manners" R.G.C.

No doubt, RGC. Nonetheless, Snipping For The Rest Of Us is an idea 
whose time has come. I hope.

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