On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, motie_d wrote:

>  And if Bush would take that initiative, the Dems would be all over
> him for the slightest failure of any one of the proposed programs as
> a waste of taxpayer money, and a favor to his rich buddies in
> Detroit, whether he has any or not.
>  Liberal College Professors would be demanding years of research
> grants to study each of the proposals before they could ever be
> implemented.
>  We have a very serious problem with gridlock because of all of the
> regulations that need to be addressed, and permissions granted.

Good points. A huge problem with our political system right now is the
partisan politics. The Democrats and Republicans don't want to make any
significant changes, because if they don't pan out, they'll be continually
lambasted for it by the other party. Also, if one party introduces an
idea/bill that could benefit the country, often the other party will try
to shoot it down so that that party can't take credit for it (for example,
when Clinton introduced a health care bill, Democrats were for it, and
Republicans against it. Bush introduced an almost identical bill, and
Republicans were for it, and Democrats against it).

Partisan politics is an excellent way of preventing progress.

> I've been 'involved' locally with net-metering and grid interties. I
> don't see any bright prospects there, unless you just ignore all the
> regs and just hook up quietly without permissions. Try not to feed
> back much more than whatever increased amounts you can use. Keep your
> Net monthly usage about the same, or they will come checking.

Personally, I think one thing we should do is have graduated electric
rates. When electricity is cheap, the problem becomes that people get even
more inefficient - leave TVs on all day, don't bother with compact
fluorescent lights, etc. etc.. Either graduated electric rates (i.e. the
first 500 kWhrs per month might be fairly cheap, but then it goes up for
the next 250, more for the next 200, etc.), or an "inefficiency" tax for
using a high amount of electricity.

> I never did see a total committment to the War. I saw a bunch of
> Politicians trying to blame each other for any shortcomings, and
> using the defensive posture that if you don't do anything, you can't
> be critisized for making any mistakes. It's all just a blame-game
> being played by Eunuchs!



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