Published on Friday, November 1, 2002 by

Revealed: Why Germans Oppose War in Iraq - French Fries

by Thom Hartmann

An hour ago, I was standing deep in a Franconian forest of central 
Germany, gazing in amazement at the time-hidden ruins of an ancient 
castle, Nordek, that was first built in A.D. 950 and finally 
abandoned about 500 years ago. The massive stone structure looms two 
hundred yards above the Steinach river, and was probably built by the 
local warlord to control the trade on the river. A sign on the castle 
identifies three medieval wars that were fought for control of it, 
and, no doubt, for control of the river's trade.

As the dried and disintegrated blood on Nordek's mute stones tells 
us, it all comes back to money. And the real money these days is in 
oil, since there's only about a 30- to 50-year supply of it left on 
the planet, and thus it's starting to rapidly increase in value.

Unless, of course, you're talking about cooking oil.

"Your car's exhaust smells like french fries," I said to Samuel 
Mueller as he drove me from the train station in Kulmbach, Germany.

"It's because it's running on oil, possibly recycled from a 
restaurant," Samuel said. "It's a diesel engine modified to run on 
vegetable oil."

Interestingly, here in Germany you can buy "bio-diesel" or recycled 
vegetable oil at gas stations, while in England people who modify 
their diesel cars to run on vegetable oil are vilified and even 
prosecuted. Germans broadly oppose seizing the oil fields of Iraq, 
which are estimated to be the largest in the world, or, at worse, 
second only to Saudi Arabia, while Tony Blair is Europe's main (and, 
perhaps, only) cheerleader for former oil-industry CEO Bush's war 

Germany is not an oil-producing nation, and the typical German 
consumes less than half the overall energy and oil of the typical 
American. The German government offers incentives to architects and 
companies to design and build energy-efficient or even 
energy-producing (as in active or passive solar, etc.) buildings, and 
public transportation (particularly the train system) is cheap, 
efficient, and very well maintained.

England is an oil-producing nation, and the oil lobby in the UK, like 
in the USA, is powerful. In England using french-fry oil to power 
your car is considered unpatriotic, and can even land you in court. 
At the same time, securing the oil of the Middle East, perhaps with 
England's biggest oil companies as partners in the pumping consortium 
that will undoubtedly come out of an Iraqi war effort, is promoted to 
the British public by the corporate-owned British newspapers and 
similarly corporate-loyal UK politicians. Meanwhile, the British rail 
system is a mess, and their highways are hopelessly clogged with 
cars, cars, and more cars. All running on fossil oil.

Although I lived here in Germany for a year some time ago, and visit 
regularly, my sense of the public sentiment is relatively broad but 
admittedly unscientific. Nonetheless, it's not surprising to me that 
a country that remembers well the blood-cost of war, is quickly 
moving toward energy efficiency and oil-independence, and has no 
domestic Big Oil lobby pushing its newspapers and politicians, would 
oppose its own children dying in a faraway war to secure the world's 
second-largest oil supply.

After all, they've figured out what to do with all that grease the 
fast-food joints once poured down the drain. And, since burning 
vegetable oil is cheaper, less polluting, and doesn't require a 
distant army to maintain, they seem to be having a good time making 
the transition.

"The car smells nice, eh?" Samuel said. "Builds your appetite for dinner!"

Thom Hartmann is the author of "Unequal Protection: The Rise of 
Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights," a book about 
corporate influence of government, and "The Last Hours of Ancient 
Sunlight," a book about the end of the era of oil. and . This article is 
copyright by Thom Hartmann, but permission is granted for reprint in 
print or web media so long as this credit line is attached.

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