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Renewable energy relegated to niche play in Asia

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SINGAPORE: December 11, 2002

SINGAPORE - At up to four times the cost of power generated from 
fossil fuels and with little solid government backing, energy from 
renewable sources is struggling to gain a commercial foothold in Asia.

In a region where millions of people have no access to electricity, 
experts say renewables will not be used for large-scale generation in 
the foreseeable future unless governments introduce subsidies and 
legislation to support them.

But solar, wind, geothermal or biomass might find a niche in 
electrifying Asia's many scattered rural communities.

"Progress in alternative energy in Asia is not going as fast as we 
want but it is not static," said Athena Ballesteros, campaign 
director for Greenpeace Southeast Asia.

"In rural areas, it is advancing well but not widely commercially. 
There's a perception that renewables are small, like a toy, and only 
feasible on a decentralised basis, like on islands or in the 

The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) reckons that as of 
2000, 40.8 percent of people in South Asia had access to electricity, 
while in Southeast Asia and north Asia, excluding Japan, the rate was 
more than double at 86.9 percent.

That translates into more than one billion people without access to 
power, largely in rural communities, in 2000.

"The renewable resource potential in Asia is large. However, compared 
to OECD countries, the lack of market support programmes in Asia 
translates into weak growth," said a spokeswoman for Royal 
Dutch/Shell Group.

Even in developed economies, renewable energy has yet to gain 
commercial appeal although these countries can better afford to 
subsidise green energy. In the United States, renewable energy 
accounted for six percent of total consumption in 2001.


Many Asian countries are struggling to upgrade inefficient and 
dilapidated transmission grids and fossil fuel plants.

Funding for new power projects fell after the 1997 financial crisis 
when many international players pulled out of the region and banks 
closed their doors to high-risk investments.

Getting financing for renewable plants, which have yet to prove 
profitable, is proving a challenge.

Environmental lobby group Greenpeace has urged governments globally 
to increase the share of renewable energy to 10 percent of total 
consumption from two percent now and to shift 20 percent of all 
energy investment to renewable sources.

"Affordability is linked to investment and trade incentives. If 
investments are switched and the playing field is levelled, then we 
have a chance," said Ballesteros.

Commercial banks have largely shunned renewable projects but 
development banks have proved friendlier.

The World Bank's lending to energy efficiency and renewable schemes 
made up about 64 percent of total energy financing in 2001 and 2002, 
up from 16 percent in the 1990s.

"It's not a core function because we're not an environmental agency, 
we're a development agency. But we want countries to grow 
economically in an environmentally sound way," said Kristalina 
Georgieva, the World Bank's environmental director.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in October approved a $33.1 million 
loan to develop biomass power generation in rural China and also has 
funded projects in India and Indonesia.

"In this (latest China) case, it was a way to develop the rural 
sector to improve living standards and alleviate poverty," said Yuen 
Loh Yee, ADB agriculture sector economist.


Shell, which has committed up to $1.5 billion to renewable programmes 
by 2006, estimates power generated by biomass - agricultural waste - 
costs about 1.5 times more than from coal, gas or oil, while solar 
energy costs four times more.

But the company said costs were declining, which should boost 
development. It estimated solar power costs would fall by 20 percent 
every three years.

Richard Powis, chief executive at Australia's Integral Energy, said 
wind generation costs nearly three times that of black coal, one of 
the cheapest fuels.

Sea wave technology, which harnesses the power of ocean waves, costs 
more than four times as much as coal, he said.

"The problem is that you have a low cost base load of electricity 
while renewables are high cost. So if you don't have the government 
doing something to encourage renewables you won't see it done 
voluntarily," Powis said.

The Australian government has mandated that two percent of power sold 
by retailers must be from renewable sources other than 
hydro-electricity by 2010, up from today's one percent.

Malaysia offers financial bonuses for renewable projects, while 
Indonesia ensures that small hydro-electricity plants are able to 
sell power to the distribution system.

The Philippines leads the region with new power reform laws that give 
renewable power priority on the distribution grid. A bill offering 
subsidies for renewable sources is in the works.

Geothermal energy makes up 27 percent of the daily power mix in the 

While developers doubt renewable energy can compete with traditional 
fuels, they see opportunities in localised, or off-grid, environments.

On-grid generation is plugged into a distribution network and 
competes on price with other sources, while off-grid capacity 
supplies a specific site or community, often a remote location.

"Although a small biomass plant may produce power at a higher cost 
than the average on-grid gas plant, the cost of connecting a remote 
village to the grid still makes renewables attractive," said Mohammad 
Farhandi, the World Bank's East Asia energy expert.

Some renewable sources, such as geothermal and hydro, are suitable 
for regular on-grid generation, although critics say hydro dams are 
too environmentally and socially disruptive to be considered a good 
renewable option.

Story by Cameron Dueck


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