
Compared to Iraq, North Korea are able and probably more
disciplined/motivated and a lot more dangerous than the Iraqi army.
I do no want to do any clear cut final military judgement, but it is
my opinion. The threat is also of more geographical nature. They
have WMDs, they are known to be in the arms business and are
more likely to sell WMDs than Iraq.

As a discussion subject I think I have put down a fair amount of facts
and if I would say more, I have to prepare a more complete statement.
It will probably not result in anything, since the demand for my views
are low by any decision maker. I will however repeat a key argument,
that I think is essential when judging the situation, it is very basic and
easy to understand.

"It is not too difficult to wage war against a nation with 80% of the
population under 16 and suppressed women. What a formidable global
threat to the heroic US of A. Take away the old men and the crippled
from previous wars and it is only less than 10% of the population left
to consider. The 5% that are left after the heroic US war, will be the
ones who vote in a "democratic society". It will be some time before
women and children, the orphans and widows, get the right to vote
and a majority will be violently anti American. I am sure that Hollywood
will be able to disguise the realities long enough to give the Americans
the "be good feeling" and also make quite a few bucks when they
do it. Realities will come another day."

Is a war against a majority of children and women the preferred choice
or a little bit more patience. In my opinion a war is not a solution, but
a proof of failure. The US hysteria about the risk that Iraq would do
something to them, are more based assumed revenge feelings with
the Iraqis, than any facts. Iraq have never, what I know about, attacked
or performed a terrorist act against US. Does anyone seriously think
that a new war would remove the basis for the fear?

My opinion is that Iraq's major threat to the world and especially for
the developed countries, lays in the oil reserves. Not a threat to be
discarded and one that need to be taken care of. It amplify the
need of solving the Iraqi disarmament and incorporation in the world
community very fast. The way it will be done, will have an effect on
the financial interests of corporations and nations. Since Saddam
Hussein is a proponent of an Arab oil blockade to solve the Israeli
situation, he is very dangerous. You have to note that the urgency
of dealing with him, appeared after his promotion of a new oil
blockade and that Iraq even stopped oil deliveries for a while. He
did not get the support from the other oil producers that he hoped
for, but only that he brought it up is bad enough.

If you consider the data that are available and the above, a result of
the Iran war and the Gulf war, what is your opinion? If you look at the
situation with US/UK who are locked out from winning oil contracts. Is
it an immediate WMD threat or distribution of oil interests?


At 11:03 AM 2/24/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>To be honest, I would not call 1,000,000 half starved, malnourished troops
>"able".   Heck, the only reason they are in the military is because, the
>military are the only ones that are given food by there own government.  I
>have heard that some UN people consider as it stands now, there is no clear
>cut winner.
>Greg H.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 23:20
>Subject: Re: [biofuel] Just one man's observation! Was: Looking at the
>RESPONSE ... too all that's going onin the world.
> >
> > North Korea is more difficult, with 1,000,000 able men standing against
> > 600,000 of US 10% and unwilling South Korea 90%.

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