A doubly empty message from Mark Foltarz.

Two things:

First, re "unsubscribe", you have to do that yourself. The 
unsubscribe address is listed twice in every message you receive:

To unsubscribe, send an email to:

Also in every message:
Please do NOT send 'unsubscribe' messages to the list address.

More than 1,500 people have now received your 'unsubscribe' message. Well done.

Second, why Mr Foltarz has unsubscribed (or attempted to) - see "Re: 
[biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'"

> > >And you have just contravened several list directives, as well as
> > >recent requests. Such as this one:
> > >http://archive.nnytech.net/index.php?view=23625&list=BIOFUEL
>Which says:
>"... language that, while commonplace among Westerners, is highly
>offensive to many others. It's not the only such case recently. There
>are people from many different cultures here. Please remember that.
>English is an extraordinarily rich language, you can express any
>meaning you want without resorting to obscenities."
> > >You should post an apology to the list please. Best be quick about it.


Mr Foltarz is unwilling to apologize. He probably thinks I'm making a 
fuss over nothing and who do I think I am anyway. Well, I think I'm 
someone who's aware there're not just Westerners on the list, and who 
quite often gets to hear of it when non-Western list members are 
offended by Western chauvinism and insensitivity. Too much loss of 
face involved in a public apology I suppose. But anyone with 
self-assurance rather than just ego doesn't have a problem with that. 
Loss of face is for people who didn't have any in the first place. 
Too bad.

Keith Addison
List owner

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