Farm and Dairy

President wants to cut emissions from diesel agricultural equipment


        New engine emissions standards target agricultural equipment. 
Diesel fuel powers more than two-thirds of all U.S. farm equipment 
and 89 percent of all agricultural trucks are diesel powered.   The 
Bush administration announced a new plan to cut 90 percent of 
emissions from off-road diesel engines used in construction, 
industrial, and agricultural equipment by 2014.

WASHINGTON - Clouds of smog aren't typically pictured floating over 
rural areas, yet farm tractors and off-road diesel engines blamed for 
environmental pollution are targeted under new federal regulations.

The Bush administration announced a new plan April 15 to cut 90 
percent of emissions from off-road diesel engines used in 
construction, industrial, and agricultural equipment by 2014.

Officials with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the plan 
will significantly reduce emissions of smog and acid rain forming 
pollutants and will result in major public health benefits.

Sulfur content. The proposal lowers the sulfur content of diesel fuel 
and mandates the use of less polluting engines, similar to 
regulations set for on-road diesel engines that will begin in 2006.

The EPA will also lead an effort to retrofit older diesel-powered school buses.

The plan would reduce the level of pollutants from diesel exhaust, 
which contains particulate matter and nitrogen oxide - the leading 
components of smog - as well as sulfur dioxide, a pollutant that 
causes acid rain.

The proposal requires reduction in the sulfur content in red diesel 
fuel from the current average of 3,400 parts per million to 500 ppm 
in 2007, the same standard as current highway diesel fuel.

It calls for this standard to be further tightened to 15 ppm by 2010 
- a 99 percent reduction.

More than in past. According to a report by Environmental Defense and 
the American Lung Association, diesel off-road engines are 
responsible for more pollution today than when the 1970 Clean Air Act 
was put in place.

The proposal would take effect for new engines starting as early as 
2008 and be fully phased in by 2014.

When fully phased in, annual reductions will be 825,000 tons of 
nitrogen oxide and 125,000 tons of particulate matter.

For the first time, advanced emission control systems will be 
incorporated into off-road equipment.

'Workhorse of economy.' The Diesel Technology Forum, an industry 
group that represents manufacturers of engines, fuel and emissions 
control systems, did not fully endorse the plan.

That group issued information that highlighted reductions the 
industry has voluntarily made in reducing diesel pollution.

Cost. EPA will work with industry groups to mitigate the economic 
impact of the proposed rule.

The agency estimates the reduced sulfur in diesel fuel will be on 
average 2.5 cents per gallon for 500 parts per million fuel and 4.8 
cents per gallon for 15 parts per million fuel.

Costs range for cleaner engine technology, but the EPA estimates it 
would add about 1 percent to the cost of a new $230,000 bulldozer or 
piece of farm machinery.

The next step. The EPA believes the cost of cleaner diesel fuel and 
tighter emissions controls are far outweighed by the benefits to 
public health and the environment.

EPA has estimated that by 2030 the program will annually prevent more 
than 9,600 premature deaths, 8,300 hospitalizations, 16,000 heart 
attacks, 5,700 children's asthma-related emergency room visits, 
260,000 respiratory problems in children and nearly a million work 
days lost due to illness.

Nearly 111 million people live in areas that do not meet air quality 
standards for ground level ozone - smog - and more than 70 million 
people live an areas that do not meet air quality standards for 
particulate matter.

Emissions. EPA estimates that off-road diesel engines currently 
account for about 44 percent of diesel emissions and about 12 percent 
of nitrogen oxide emissions from mobile sources nationwide.

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