Robert Fisk: Looking Beyond War

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
April 23, 2003

Goodman: After spending a month in Iraq, could you describe your thoughts?

Fisk: Well, my assumption is that history has a way or repeating 
itself. I was talking to a very militaristic Shiite Muslim from 
Nashas about only five days ago and a journalist was saying to him 
"do you realize how historic these days are?" and I said to him "do 
you realize how history is repeating itself?" and he turned to me and 
said "yes history is repeating itself", and I knew what he meant. He 
was referring to the British invasion or Iraq in 1917 and Lt. Gen. 
Sir Stanley Maude, when we turned up in Baghdad and Sir Stanley Maude 
issued a document saying "we have come here not as conquerors but as 
liberators to free you from generations of tyranny." And within three 
years we were losing hundreds of men every year in the guerilla war 
against the Iraqis who wanted real liberation not by us from the 
Ottomans but by them from us and I think that's what's going to 
happen with the Americans in Iraq. I think a war of liberation will 
begin quite soon, which of course will be first referred to as a war 
by terrorists, by al Qaeda, by remnants of Saddam's regime, remnants 
(remember that word) but it will be waged particularly by Shiite 
Muslims against the Americans and the British to get us out of Iraq 
and that will happen. And our dreams that we can liberate these 
people will not be fulfilled in this scenario.

So what I've been writing about these past few days is simply the 
following. We claim that we want to preserve the national heritage of 
the Iraqi people, and yet my own count of government buildings 
burning in Baghdad before I left was 158, of which the only buildings 
protected by the United States army and the marines were the Ministry 
of Interior, which has the intelligence corp of Iraq and the Ministry 
of Oil, and I needn't say anything else about that. Every other 
ministry was burning. Even the Ministry of Higher Education/Computer 
Science was burning. And in some cases American marines were sitting 
on the wall next to the ministries watching them burn.

The Computer Science Minister actually talked to the marine, Corporal 
Tinaha, in fact, I actually called his fiance to tell her he was safe 
and well. So the Americans have allowed the entire core and 
infrastructure of the next government of Iraq to be destroyed, 
keeping only the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Oil. That 
tells its own story. On top of that I was one of the first 
journalists to walk in to the National Archaeological Museum and the 
National Library of Archives with all the Ottoman and state archives 
and the Koranic Library of the Ministry of Religious Endowment and 
all were burned. Petrol was poured on these documentations over them 
and they were all burned in 3000 degrees of heat.

Ironically, with all that irony, I managed to rescue 26 pages of the 
Ottoman documentation, the Ottoman library. Documents of Ottoman 
armies, camel thieves, letters from the sheriff Hussein of Mecca to 
Ali Pasha (Ottoman ruler of Baghdad) and when I got to the Jordanian 
border the Jordanian customs authorities stole these documents from 
me and refused to even give me a receipt for them, a shattering 
comment I'm afraid to say on the Arab world but particularly on the 
American occupation of Baghdad.

After the Koranic Library was set on fire I raced to the headquarters 
of the Third Marine Force Division in Baghdad and I said there is 
this massive Koranic Library on fire and I said what can you do? And 
under the Geneva Conventions the US Occupation Forces have a moral, 
whatever occupations forces there are, and they happen to be 
American, have a legal duty to protect documents and various 
embassies. There was a young officer who got on the radio and said 
"there was some kind of Biblical library on fire," biblical for 
heavens sake, and I gave him a map of the exact locations, the 
collaterals on the locations to the marines and nobody went there, 
and all the Korans were burned, Korans going back to the 16th Century 
totally burned.

So, somebody has an interest in destroying the center of a new 
government and the cultural identity of Iraq. Now the American line 
is these are Saddamite remnants, remnants of a Saddam regime. I don't 
believe this. If I was a remnant of a Saddam regime and say I was 
given $20,000 to destroy the library I would say thank you very much 
and when the regime was gone I would pocket the money. I wouldn't go 
and destroy the library, I don't need to, I've got the money. 
Somebody or some institution or some organization today now is 
actively setting out to destroy the cultural identity of Iraq and the 
ministries that form the core of a new Iraq government. Who would be 
behind that and who would permit it to happen, and why is it that the 
US military, so famed for its ability to fight its way across the 
Tigris and the Euphrates river and come into Baghdad will not act 
under the Geneva Convention to protect these institutions? That is 
the question. And I do not have the answer to it.

Goodman: There was a report today that said that the US army ignored 
warnings from its own civilian advisors that could have prevented the 
looting of Baghdad's National Museum - this is from the London 
Observer. It said that the Office of the Reconstruction and 
Humanitarian Assistance set up to supervise reconstruction identified 
the museum as a prime target for looters in a memo to army commanders 
a month ago. The memo said it should be the second priority for the 
army after securing the national bank. General Jay Garner, who's 
taking over, is said to be livid. One angry reconstruction official 
told the Observer "we ask for just a few soldiers at each building or 
if they feared snipers then at least one or two tanks. The tanks were 
doing nothing once they got inside the city, yet the generals refused 
to deploy them.

Fisk: Yeah, well the Observer is always quite a bit late on the 
story. There was a website set up between American archaeologists and 
the Pentagon many weeks ago listing those areas of vital national 
heritage to Iraq which might be looted, damaged, stormed, burned. The 
museum was on that list. The museum, I have seen physically marked on 
the satellite pictures which the marines have to move around in 
Baghdad. They know it's there, they know what it is. Now, when I got 
to the museum, which is far more than a week ago, there were gun 
battles going on between rioters and looters, bullets skittering up 
the walls of apartment blocks outside. It was quite clear when I 
walked in that looting was quite clearly.... Someone has opened the 
doors, the huge safe doors of the storeroom of the museum with a key. 
The looting was on a most detailed, precise and coordinated scale. 
The people knew what they wanted to go for. Those Grecian statues 
they didn't want they decapitated and threw to the floor. Those 
earrings and gold ornaments and bullring gods that they wanted to 
take, they took. And within a few days those priceless heritage items 
of Iraq's history were on sale in Europe and in America. I don't 
believe that that happened by chance.

Two of the interesting things: number one is the looters knew exactly 
what they wanted and they got it out of a country with a speed that 
we as journalists cannot get our stories out of the country. 
Secondly, and much more serious in the long term. The arsonists, the 
men who were going around burning, they must have had maps, they knew 
where to go, they knew what would not be defended by the Americans. 
In one case, you know this is a city without electricity, without 
water, I recognized one of the men who was burning things. He had a 
small beard, a goatee beard and he had a red t-shirt, and the second 
time I saw him, I looked at him and he pointed a [inaudible] rifle at 
me, he realized I recognized him. They were coming to the scenes of 
arsonists in blue and white buses. God knows where these buses were 
from. They weren't city corporation buses, although city corporation 
buses were being used by looters. But the arsonists were an army. 
They were calculated and they knew where to go, they had maps, they 
were told where to go. Who told them where to go? Who told them where 
the Americans would not shoot at them or would not harm them? This is 
a very, very important question that still needs to be reconciled and 
answered. And I do not have an answer. And none of my colleagues 
unfortunately have asked the American military in Qatar, in Doha what 
the answer is. Somebody told these people where to go, they had the 
maps, they knew the places to go and burn, they knew the American 
military would not be there and they went there and they burned. Who 
gave them those instructions, I don't know the answer. I really don't 
know the answer, but there is an answer, and we should know what this.

Goodman: Maguire Gibson, a leading Mesopotamian scholar from the 
University of Chicago, said he has good reason to believe that the 
looting or the stealing of the artifacts from the museum with men 
going in with forklifts and even keys to vaults...he has good reason 
to believe this was orchestrated from outside the country.

Fisk: There is certainly a reason to believe, Amy, that there were 
keys involved because some of the vaults I saw were opened with keys 
and not with hammers or guns or explosives. Fork lift trucks? They 
had the ability to move heavy statues into trucks. When I got there, 
they had just done that. But I don't know if they used fork lift 
trucks, I think that might be a little too Hollywood. There were men 
who were guards to the museum in long gray beards who had taken 
rifles, [inaudible] Ak-47's weapons to defend what was left. But if 
you're saying to me "do I have evidence of fork lift trucks?" - No.

Do I have evidence that they knew what they were coming for, yes! Do 
I have evidence that this was premeditated, yes! Do I believe that 
the arsonists were trained and organized from outside who knew 
whether or not the Americans would be present or whether the American 
military would defend certain buildings, yes! They undoubtedly did 
know the Americans would not confront them. And the Americans did not 
confront them. I actually got to a point where I was going around 
Baghdad a few days ago, and every time I saw a tongue of flame or 
smoke I'd race off in my car to the area, and the last place I went 
to that was burning was the Department of Higher Education/Computer 
Science and as I approached it I saw a marine sitting on the wall.

I bounded out of the car and raced back and thought I had better see 
this guy and I took his name down. His name was Ted Nyhom and he was 
a member of the Third Marine Fourth Regiment or Fourth Marine Third 
Regiment. He gave me the number of his fiancˇ Jessica in the states. 
I actually rang her up and said "your man loves you dearly" (he's a 
real person) and I said how the hell is this happening next door and 
he said "well, we're guarding a hospital" and I said "there's a fire 
next door, a whole bloody government ministry is burning. And he 
said, "yeah we can't look everywhere at the same time." I said, "Ted, 
what happened?" and he said "I don't know." Now when you go to sit 
down...he was a nice guy, I was happy to ring his fiancˇ up and tell 
her that he was safe. But something happened there. There was a fire, 
an entire government ministry was burning down next to him and he did 
nothing. It didn't seem strange to him that he wasn't asked to do 
anything. Now there's something strange about that. It's not a 
question of whether American academic said, you know, is there 
something wrong with the moral property of an army that doesn't stop 
looting and arson. There's something terribly wrong there.

My country's army in Basra was also remiss in this way. Our Minister 
of Defense, Geoff Hoon, said 'oh well they were liberating their own 
property' when people were looting hospitals, for god's sakes. So the 
British don't get off on this either, but the Americans were the most 
remiss. And in the city of Baghdad against all the international 
conventions, particularly the Geneva Convention, which have a 
specific reference to pillage... in fact pillage appears as a crime 
against humanity in the Hague Conventions in 1907 upon in which the 
Geneva Conventions of 1949 were based. There is a whole reference to 
pillage and the Americans did nothing. They did nothing to prevent 
the pillage of the entire cultural history of Iraq, of the museum, or 
the documentary history of the National Archives, or the Koranic 
Library of the Ministry of Religious Endowment or of the 155 other 
government locations around Baghdad. And one has to ask the question, 
why was this permitted to happen. I don't know the answer.

Goodman: We're talking to Robert Fisk, correspondent for the 
Independent newspaper in Britain. He has just come out of Iraq where 
he has spent the last month. He is back in Beirut where he is based. 
Robert, the hospitals, you spent a good amount of time there. Can you 
describe what you saw and perhaps what we're not seeing. If you can 
follow our coverage at all here in the United States.

Fisk: Well as a matter of fact this afternoon, I took several roles 
of film...real film, not digitized camera film into my film 
development shop here, and was looking again at the film of children 
who'd been hit by American cluster bombs in Hilla and Babylon whom I 
took photographs of. I'm rather shocked at myself for taking pictures 
of people in such suffering. I would have to say, and one must be 
fair as a correspondent, that I think that the Iraqis did position 
military tanks and missiles in civilian areas. They did so 
deliberately; they did so in order to try and preserve their military 
apparatus in the hope that the Americans would not bomb civilian 
areas. The Americans did bomb civilian areas. They may or may not 
have destroyed the military targets; they certainly destroyed human 
beings and innocent civilians.

War is a disgusting, cruel, vicious affair. You know, I say to people 
over and over again: war is not about primarily victory or defeat, 
it's primarily about human suffering and death. And if you look 
through the pictures, which I have beside me now as I speak to you, 
of little girls with huge wounds in the side of their faces made by 
the pieces of metal from cluster bombs, American cluster bombs, it's 
degoutant, as the French say, disgusting to even look at. But I have 
to look at them. I took these pictures.

The Iraqi regime, which was brutal and cruel and is very happy, was 
very happy in every sense of the word, to use these pictures as 
propaganda, must also of course have its own responsibility for this. 
But for me, the most appalling admission came when the civil 
coalition, which means the Americans, the British and a few 
Australians, decided to bomb an area, a residential area of Monsur, 
with four 2000-pound bombs. I hate to use these childish phrases like 
"bunker-busters" but these are the same bombs they dropped on Tora 
Bora to try and get the caves where Bin Laden was hiding in 2001 in 
Afghanistan. And these huge bombs destroyed the lives of a minimum of 
14 civilians [in Monsur]. The central command in Doha, Qatar said 
they believed Saddam was there, and that they would send forensic 
experts. But I went there a week after the Americans entered Baghdad 
and no forensic experts had been sent there indeed. And the morning I 
turned up, I'm talking about 4 days ago, the decomposing, horribly 
smelling body of a little baby was pulled out of the rubble and I can 
promise you it wasn't Saddam Hussein, but the Americans went on 
insisting their forensic scientists were searching to see if Saddam 
Hussein had died there. Well, he did not and nor did their forensic 
scientists bother; they didn't even care about going there. 
Outrageous. I'm sorry to say. Outrageous. I have to be a human being 
as well as a journalist.

Again, one needs to also say that Saddam Hussein - I'm sure 
he's still alive - a most revolting man. He did use gas against the 
Iranians and against the Kurds. And I also have to say that when he 
used it against the Iranians, and I wrote about it in my own 
newspaper at the time, the Times, the British Foreign Office told my 
editor the story was not helpful because at that stage of course, 
Saddam Hussein was our friend - we were supporting him. The hypocrisy 
of war stinks almost as much as the civilian casualties.

But let's go back to the hospitals. The Americans used cluster bombs 
in civilian areas, where they believed there were military targets. 
Near Hilla, I think the Iraqis probably did put military vehicles. 
That does not excuse the Americans; there are specific references and 
paragraphs in the Geneva Conventions to protect what are called 
'protected persons', that is to say civilians, even if they are in 
the presence of enemy combatants. But I think the Iraqis did put 
military positions amongst civilians. I can go so far as to say that 
at the museum, which was looted to the great disgrace of the 
Americans, prior to the American entry into Baghdad, it was clear 
when I got to the museum after the American entry, that the Iraqi 
army had placed gun positions and gun pits inside the museum grounds, 
at one point next to a beautiful 3000-year-old statue of a winged 
bull. There were other occasions when I could clearly see SAM-6 
mobile tracked missiles parked very close to civilian houses. The 
Iraqis did use civilians as cover. And the Americans, knowing they 
were there, bombed the civilians anyway. So who is the war criminal? 
I think both of them are. There you go. That's the story.

Goodman: Robert Fisk, do you have any idea about casualty numbers right now?

Fisk: No, it's impossible. Amy, it's impossible. You know, I took my 
notebook; I can tell you how many people in each ward were wounded in 
particular wards, or in particular hospitals. I can tell you which 
doctors told me how many people died in A, B, and C hospitals on 
certain dates, but when it comes to the overall figure, the losing 
side has no statistics, because of course the statistics die with the 
regime and the winning side controls all the figures. Thousands of 
Iraqis must have died.

There was one particularly terrible scene on what was known as 
Highway 8. It was the main motorway alongside the Tigris river, with 
some university of Baghdad on the other side of the river, where for 
two and a half days, American soldiers of the 3rd Infantry division 
were fighting off ambushes, most of them members of the Republican 
Guard. They mounted there and I talked to all sides here. I talked to 
survivors, I talked to civilians, I talked to the Americans on the 
tanks. The ambush began at 7:30 on the last Monday of the war in the 
morning. And the motorway was quite busy with civilian traffic. The 
American 3rd Infantry Division commander told me that he saw civilian 
traffic and he ordered his men to fire warning shots, which they did 
he said two or three times, after which they fired at the cars. And 
he said 'I had a duty to protect my men.' I have to be fair and quote 
what he said. He said "I had a duty to protect my men, to protect my 
soldiers and we didn't know if they were carrying RPGs 
(rocket-propelled grenades) or explosives.' But cars which did not 
stop were fired at by United States tanks of the 3rd Infantry 

I walked down the line of cars which were torn apart by American tank 
shells. There was a very young woman burned black in the back of one 
car. Her husband or father or brother beside her, dead. There was the 
leg of a man beside another car which had been blown clean in half by 
an American M1-A1 tank. There were piles of blankets covering 
families with children who had been blown to pieces by the Americans. 
It was a real ambush. They were fired at by RPG -7's. In one case, 
one tank I saw (the American commander took me around) who'd received 
five hits, one of them on the engine. And he had opened fire at a 
motorcycle carrying two members of the Iraqi Republican Guard. One 
had died instantly. I found his body beside the road with his blood 
dribbling into the gutter. The other was wounded and the American 
brought him back to the tank, gave him first aid and sent him off to 
a medical company. The American commander - the same commander who 
told his tank crew to open fire on the civilian cars - told me that 
he saved the life of the second Republican Guard who was on the 
motorcycle and the guy survived. I have to assume that's correct. I 
didn't see him. But three days later, the bodies were still, 
including the young woman, were still lying in the cars. And bits of 
human remains were lying around in blankets. The stench was terrible. 
There were flies everywhere. The American officer then told me that 
he had asked the Red Crescent, the Muslim equivalent of the Red 
Cross, to move the bodies and the cars were removed. But they were 
still there, along with the bodies the next day. That's a fact. I saw.

Goodman: What about the journalists? It looks like there is the 
highest percentage of foreign journalists, as a percentage of foreign 
casualties, that we have seen in a long time. It looks like the 
number at this point is 14 journalists killed as well as the shelling 
of the Palestine Hotel.

Fisk: Well, I think that the number of journalists covering war - 
indeed, the number of journalists in general - is increasing all the 
time. And so I suppose, it's not a very romantic thing to say, but I 
suppose that as the number of journalists increase, the number of 
casualties among journalists will increase as well. There were a 
number of incidents which we seem to have understood. The ITV 
reporter, who got north of the American lines near Basra, was 
returning and got shot by US Marines, along with his crew. Another 
British reporter who may or may not have committed suicide, I don't 
know, which has nothing to do with the Americans or the Iraqis per 
se, if that's the case. We have the Palestine hotel, which is one of 
the more serious cases of all. That particular day began with the 
killing of the journalist from Al Jazeera, the Qatari/Doha television 
chain, which of course became famous in Afghanistan for producing 
tapes and airing tapes of Osama bin Laden. I had by chance, four days 
before Tariq [Ayoub]'s death, on the roof of that television station, 
been giving a broadcast myself live to Doha. And while I was 
broadcasting, a cruise missile went streaking by behind the building 
and literally moved over the bridge on the right and carried on up 
the river Tigris and there was an airstrike behind me. And I said to 
Tariq afterwards, I think this is the most dangerous bloody newspaper 
office in the history of the world, you know? You're in really great 
danger here. There were gun pits on the right. And he agreed with me. 
And four days later, while he was on the roof preparing to do a 
broadcast, an American jet came in so low, according to his 
colleagues downstairs, they thought it would land on the roof, and 
fired a single missile at the generator beside him and killed him. 
About three and a quarter hours later, an American M1A1 Abrams tank 
on the Jumeirah River bridge, about three quarters of a mile from the 
Palestine Hotel where the journalists were staying, fired a single 
round, a depleted uranium round, as I understand, at the office of 
Reuters where they were filming the same tanks on the bridge.

I was actually between the tank and the hotel, when the round was 
fired. I was trying to get back from a story, an assignment I'd been 
on, what I'd put myself on. And the shell with an extraordinary noise 
swooshed over my head and hit the hotel...bang! Tremendous 
concussion. White Smoke. And when I got there, two of my colleagues, 
one from Reuters and one from Spanish Television, both of whom were 
to die within a few hours, the first one within half an hour, were 
being brought out in blood-soaked bed-sheeting. And a Lebanese 
colleague, a woman, Samia, with a piece of metal in her brain. She 
recovered. She had brain surgery. She's married to the London 
Financial Times correspondent here in Beirut. She survived. The 
initial reaction was very interesting because the BBC went on air 
saying it was an Iraqi rocket-propelled grenade. Someone wanted to 
frighten the press. Then it emerged, thanks be to God for the attempt 
to get the truth, that TV3, a French channel, had recorded the tanks' 
movements and I actually rushed to their Bureau and they showed me 
the videotape and you saw the American tanks for five minutes 
beforehand, in complete silence - there was nothing happening - going 
onto the bridge, moving its turret, and then firing at the hotel. The 
camera shakes and pieces of plaster and paint fall in front of the 
camera. Clearly, it's the same shot. Four or five minutes in which 
nothing is happening. Now I was in between the tank and the hotel and 
there was complete silence. And when initially the Americans said 
they knew nothing about it, when it became clear the French had a 
film, before the Americans realized how long the film was running for 
prior to the attack, they said that the tank was under persistent 
sniper and RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) fire which is not true. I 
would have heard it because I was close to the tank and the hotel and 
it would have been picked up on the soundtrack, which it wasn't.

This statement was made by General Buford Blount, the same 3rd 
Infantry Division commander who boasted that he'd be using depleted 
uranium munitions during the war in an interview with Le Monde in 
March, a month ago. And he then said that there had been sniper fire 
and after the round was fired by the American tank, the sniper fire 
had ceased. In other words, the clear implication was that the 
gunfire had come from the Reuters office, which was a most 
mendacious, vicious lie by General Blount. General Blount lied in 
order to cover up the death of journalists. It was interesting that 
when indeed the Americans actually arrived in central Baghdad within 
a day, no journalists were raising these issues with the Americans 
who'd just arrived. They should have done...I did actually. And in 
fact two days later, I was on the Jumeirah bridge, and climbed onto 
the second tank and asked the tank commander whether he fired at the 
journalists and he said "I don't know anything about that, sir. I'm 
new here." Which he may well have been. How do I know if he was there 
before or not? But that tank round was fired deliberately at the 
hotel and General Blount's counterfeit - the commander of the 3rd 
Infantry Division - was a lie. A total lie. And it was a grotesque 
lie against my colleagues. Samia Mahul had a piece of metal in her 
brain, A young woman who's most bravely reported the Lebanese civil 
war. And against the Ukrainian cameraman for Reuters and against the 
Spanish cameraman in the room upstairs. It was a most disgusting lie. 
And as a journalist, I have to say that. And General Blount has not 
apologized for it. So far he has gotten away with his lie. I'm sorry 
to say.

Amy: Nouvelle Observatoure, the French Newspaper, is reporting that a 
US Army captain named Captain Wolford said unlike what the military 
reported, he did not see sniper fire from the Palestine hotel. But he 
did see what he thought was light glinting off of binoculars from one 
of the hotel's balconies. He said he had never been told the 
Palestine Hotel was the home base for almost all the international 
journalists in Baghdad and assumed the - -

Fisk: Well, yeah I've heard this story. I know this. Well, if 
American commanders in the field are not told the intelligence 
information about where people are in what hotels, it doesn't say 
much about the American military. Look I don't think the American 
military people are inherently wrong or awful or bad. You know, I met 
lots of American soldiers and Marines of course. Marines insist on 
telling me they're not soldiers, which is an odd thing for a Brit to 
hear, but I have to accept it. They were decent people. One young 
Marine came up to me. He wanted to use my mobile phone to call his 
home and I let him, of course. And he said "I'm really sorry, sir, 
about the death of your colleagues." Like he meant it. I don't think 
these are intrinsically bad people. I think the idea that there's 
some ghastly, you know, evil moving among the American military is 
not true. I don't believe that. I think they're decent people and I 
think they want to be decent people. When their generals lie, it must 
be hard, as Buford Blount lied. General Blount lied about the 
journalists. He lied. He was a [inaudible] soldier.

But the ordinary soldiers I met, I think they were quite sympathetic. 
I think they understood. And I think that in some cases, they were 
very upset about what had happened to our colleagues, but they were 
also upset about civilian casualties whom they'd caused. You know, 
when on Highway 8, I was interviewing the American tank commander 
who'd given the order to fire at the civilian cars on the road, I 
thought he was a decent person. I have to say that when I read my 
notes afterwards, and I reflected upon the fact that the bodies of 
the innocents were still lying in the cars three days later, I was 
less inclined to be kind to him. I was less inclined to think he was 
a nice person. But I don't think that the American soldiers were bad 
people. I think they believed in what they were doing, up to the 
point that you can. I think that they believed that their war was an 
honorable one, even though I don't think it was. But I think that 
they had been previously misled and I think something has gone wrong 
with the leadership of the American military when you can have a 
general like Blount lying about the press. If to see a flash of what 
appears to be a camera or some kind of reflecting instrument in a 
window is to be the signal for capital punishment for those who are 
legitimately filming the war for an international news agency, 
something has gone terribly wrong. I think the real problem at the 
end of the day lies in the White House, with President Bush.

There were a number of American Marines and soldiers I met who were 
very helpful to me in understanding what was happening. At one point, 
I was next to an American tank that came under fire - I don't know 
where from - and I thought the soldiers behaved with great restraint. 
They could have shot at civilians. In some cases, I know in other 
places in Baghdad, they did and killed people and I think it was a 
war crime to have done so. But in the American tank I was close to, 
they did not. And those soldiers behaved admirably. I have to say 
that. I think they were frightened, I think they were tired. They 
hadn't washed etc. but I'm sorry, I don't get too romantic about 
soldiers who invade other peoples' countries. But I thought their 
discipline was probably pretty good, to be frank. In other places, it 
was not. But again, you know, war is primarily about suffering and 
death, not about victory and defeat and not about presidents who - 
oh, I'm so tired of talking about your president. Or indeed the 
president of Iraq who's a pretty vicious man frankly if he's still 
alive. Where is he? That should be your last question, Amy: Where is 
Saddam Hussein?

Goodman: Well. I'm not there yet. But you mentioned your colleague - -

Fisk: You're going to ask me where he is, aren't you?

(they laugh)

Goodman: OK, where is he?

Fisk: You know what, I have this absolute fixation that he's in 
Belarus, the most horrible ex-Soviet state that exists: Minsk. I tell 
you why I think this. This is long before the Iran - sorry, Freudian 
slip - long before the Iraq war, I had this absolute obsession that 
Minsk - I've been to Minsk; it's a horrible city! It's full of 
whiskey, corruption, prostitutes and damp apartments. Very, very 
favorable to the Ba'ath party of Iraq. And I noticed in the local 
newspaper here in Beirut, I fear about six or seven weeks ago an 
article that said that the Olympic committee of Belarus in Minsk had 
invited Uday Hussein, beloved son of the 'great ruler of Iraq', to a 
chess tournament in Minsk and I thought, My God, this is where 
they're going to go. And if you think of all the stories which may be 
complete hogwash of how they got out by train with the Russian 
ambassador through Syria, where else to go but Minsk? I actually 
mentioned it to my foreign desk and my foreign editor said "Off you 
go to Belarus!" and I said "No please, please, not Belarus! I've been 
there before. It's awful!" But I do have this kind of suspicion maybe 
he's there. But there you go. He may be in Baghdad. He may be 
captured tonight. I really have not the slightest idea.

Goodman: Robert Fisk, you mentioned your Lebanese colleague who has 
shrapnel in her head and said she covered the civil war in Beirut, 
which brings us to a piece you did about questioning whether what 
we're going to see in Iraq is the beginning of a civil war between 
the Sunni and the Shiia. What do you think now?

Fisk: Well, if it's not the beginning of a civil war between the 
Sunni and the Shiia in Iraq, it will be the beginning of a war of 
liberation by the Sunni and the Shiia themselves against the 
Americans. My feeling is that there will be a war - it may already 
have begun - against the Americans by the Iraqis. The Kurds will play 
a different role for all kinds of reasons, but the Sunnis and the 
Shiias may well find some unity in trying to get rid of their 
occupiers. You know, one can't help in the Middle East but be struck 
by the ironies of history. Just over a week before - no, two weeks 
before America invaded Iraq, a document went on auction. It's a 
public auction in Britain at Swinden in southwestern England. And I 
made a bid for it. As a matter of fact, I found out it was going to 
go on sale and it was the official British document issued by 
Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Maude after he invaded Iraq with the 
British Army in 1917. And it was his proclamation to the people of 
the Zilayah, that's to say the governerate of Baghdad. And I quote 
from the first paragraph: "We come here not as conquerors, but as 
liberators to free you from the tyranny of generations," just like 
President Bush says he's come now. I actually wrote about this 
document in the newspaper and said it was going to come up for 
auction which was a very bad mistake because the auctioneers rang me 
up from Swinden, England to Beirut when I was actually interviewing, 
ironically enough, three Iraqi refugees here in Beirut. And they said 
do you want to bid for it, the bidding has started. I said yes I will 
bid for it. And it was originally going to go for US $156. And so 
many readers of the Independent who'd read my article turned up - it 
actually went for $2000. And God spare me, I bought it. So now I am 
the owner of Sir Stanley Maude's document, telling the people of 
Baghdad that the new occupiers, the British Army of 1917, had come 
there as liberators, not as conquerors, to free them from the tyranny 
of generations of tyrants and dictators. And now, you know, a few 
weeks later, there I am in Baghdad, listening to the American Marine 
Corps issuing an identical document, telling the people they'd come 
not as conquerors, but as liberators, and I wonder sometimes whether 
people ever, ever read history books.

Goodman: We're talking to Robert Fisk, the correspondent for The 
Independent. He is tired. He has just come out of Iraq after a 

Fisk: He's definitely tired, Amy. He's very definitely tired, yeah.

Goodman: Well, I wanted to ask you about - you might have heard about 
Judith Miller's report in the New York Times, saying a former Iraqi 
scientist has told a US military team that Iraq destroyed chemical 
weapons and biological warfare equipment only days before the war 
began and also said Iraq secretly sent unconventional weapons and 
technology to Syria starting in the 80's and that more recently...

Fisk (overlapping): How very fortunate 
that that special report should come out now. Listen, every time I 
read Judith Miller in the New York Times, I nod sagely and smile. 
That's all I'm going to say to you, Amy. I'm sorry. Don't ask me to 
even comment upon it. It's not a serious issue.

Goodman: Then let me ask you about the targeting of Syria right now.

Fisk: Look, Syria will not be invaded by the United States because it 
doesn't have enough oil. It will be threatened by the United States, 
on Israel's behalf perhaps, but it doesn't have sufficient oil to 
make it worth invading. So the answer is: Syria will not be invaded.

Goodman: As you leave Iraq and you look back at what you saw, what 
are key areas that you see as different, for example, than the 
Persian Gulf War and what happened afterwards and what are you going 
to pursue right now?

Fisk: Well, we've got the first occupation of an Arab capital by a 
Western army since General Allenby entered Jerusalem and since Sir 
Stanley Maude entered Baghdad. We did have the brief period of French 
and American armies entering Damascus and indeed Beirut in the second 
World War. But that was part of a Vichy French Allied War. It wasn't 
part of a colonial war. We now have American troops occupying the 
wealthiest Arab country in the world. And the shockwaves of that are 
going to continue for decades to come, long after you and I are in 
our graves, if that's where we go. And I don't think we have yet 
realized - I don't think that the soldiers involved or the Presidents 
involved have yet realized the implications of what has happened. We 
have entered a new age of imperialism, the life of which we have not 
attempted to judge or assess or understand. Well, I'm 56 now - maybe 
I'll never see the end of it, I probably won't. But my goodness me, 
I've never seen such historical acts take place in the 27 years I've 
been in the Middle East. And the results cannot be good. I don't 
believe we've gone to Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction. If 
we'd done that, we would have invaded North Korea. I don't believe 
we've gone there because of human rights abuses because we connived 
at those abuses for many years when we supported Saddam. I think 
we've gone there for oil. And though we may get the oil, I think the 
price will be very high. More than that, I don't know. You know, my 
crystal ball, as I always say, has broken a long time ago. But I'll 
keep on watching the story, I guess, because like my father who was 
much older than my mother, was a soldier in the first World War, I 
want to keep watching history happen. I would, however, yet again, 
for the umpteenth time on your program, Amy, quote Amira Haas, that 
wonderful journalist for Ha'aretz, the Israeli newspaper, who said 
"the purpose of journalism is to monitor the centers of power" and we 
still do not do that, and we must monitor the centers of power and we 
must try to question why governments do the things that they do and 
why they lie about it. And we don't do that. We don't do that.

Goodman: Well Robert Fisk, I want to thank you for doing that.

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