I wonder why you're being so defensive? "Insulting"? Well, if you 
insist on being insulted I guess there's no help for it. But believe 
me, Noam, if I'd set out to insult you I wouldn't have left it in any 
doubt whatsoever. As it is, I doubt anyone can see any insults other 
than you.

>This was certainly not my first attempt.  I have made many test 
>batches, and we made test batches in my class the previous week. And 
>yes this was our first attempt making a 5 gallon batch.  When I 
>mixed the methoxide before we did it in blenders, before adding our 
>oil. Yes, we used grease from restaurants- used oil.  I personally 
>don't consider virgin oil to be "grease".

There are people here from more than a hundred countries, and I 
believe your country is the only one, or at least one of the very 
few, where they refer to oil as "grease". If you're going to take 
offence if someone asks for clarity to help answer your questions 
then you mustn't expect much further patience from them, or from 
anybody. Your first message did not specify what oil you used. It 
didn't specify much at all.

>The problem I was having was how to mix larger quantities of 
>methoxide.  Not all of us can have a completely closed system 

Any of us can very easily acquire an HDPE carboy.

>We can do our best with what we have and what we can afford. That 
>doesn't make us any less important.

If me and the other list member who responded to you considered it 
unimportant we probably wouldn't have bothered, no?

>It seems to me that this community could use a bit more respect of 
>those that have less experience.

I'll tell you something. With our VERY demanding project, Journey to 
Forever, we have only a marginal interest in whether one more or less 
American or citizen of any other industrialised country makes 
biodiesel or not. We also have little interest in whether or not such 
folks join the Biofuel list, stay and prosper, or leave in high 
dudgeon, or whether they visit our website or not, we already get far 
more visits than we can easily handle. Our focus is on sustainable 
fuel and energy for 3rd World rural communities, and even then only 
as a part of an overall Appropriate Technology approach. What happens 
in the industrialised countries is of little interest to us.

Yet I spend an inordinate amount of time that I DON'T have to spare 
helping industrial-nation newbies learn how to make high-quality fuel 
reliably. Including you. I don't need to be told to have more 

Others here are in a similar situation. They spend a lot of time that 
they also don't have to spare helping newcomers to learn. They also 
don't need to be told to have more respect. You do though.

>I have read Tickell and read much on Journey to forever. When 
>someone has a question it honestly doesn't help much to refer me to 
>websites- I have seen this already.

If you'd already seen the links I referred you to you wouldn't have 
asked the questions you did and saying you'd used a plastic bucket 
and a paddle. It's obvious you didn't bother to refer to the links, 
and still haven't. That's not insulting? But I didn't get insulted, 
just referred you to them again. Why don't you climb down off your 
high horse and check them out?

>I checked the very same sites before posting my question (i wouldn't 
>waste bandwidth).

But to no avail it seems. It's right there in the index, how come you 
didn't see it?

>It was something I hadn't seen before, either personally, on the 
>list, or on the web.  I don't think responding with condescension to 
>those who are less experienced really helps any of us.

What nonsense!

>I was hoping that the list could be a source for those of us who 
>have only been doing this a few months to trouble shoot. What I got 
>was a bit insulting, with all due respect.  i haven't really had any 
>of my questions answered.

Yes you have, but...

>How is that helpful?

... you can lead a horse to the water, and that's all you can do.

Not too difficult to see what's going on here. I think you have to 
choose. I think you already have. Pity, that.

Helping newbies? I don't need much encouragement to chuck it in and 
get on with too many other pressing things that are much more 
important to us. I think you may just have provided that 
encouragement. What the hell, we've been running this list for four 
years now, helped build up a huge treasure-house of an archives where 
people can find everything they need to know if they're but prepared 
to look, we've spent vast numbers of hours providing and maintaining 
the resources at our website (and doing the work itself!) which 
constant feedback tells us is more than enough to learn to make 
biodiesel... And we didn't have any of this, nor any help from 
anyone, all we had was 13 paragraphs we found on the Web. A lot of us 
here can say the same. Sod it, enough already. Do it yourself!

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Biofuel list owner

>Hello Noam
> >Keith,
> >
> >We did NOT end up with biodiesel. The consistancy is close to that
> >of the original grease. I am unsure now what to do with the stuff. I
> >think I didn't mix the lye/methanol enough and something reacted
> >with the animal fat.
>What animal fat? Was this virgin oil or used oil? You say "grease",
>but I'm never quite sure what Americans mean when they say "grease".
>I'd assumed it was virgin oil, because it sounded like your first
>attempt. You did say you'd never seen the "weird gummy stuff" before,
>but it also seemed like you'd never mixed methoxide before. Though 5
>gal is a bit much for a first attempt, 5 litres or even 1 would be
>better. If not virgin oil, how did you determine how much lye to use?
>Did you titrate the oil?
>Now I understand what you meant - I'd thought the gummy stuff
>appeared in the methoxide, which would have been a mystery, but it
>appeared after you added it to the oil. Yes, as Todd said, soap.
>What sort of processor did you use?
>How did you stir it?
>What temperature was it?
>How long did you agitate it for?
>How much methanol did you use?
>How much lye?
> >I don't know.
>Reprocess the failed batch as if it were new oil. See:
>Biodiesel from new oil
>Mix the methoxide as Todd suggests in his reply to you, as in the
>links I gave you previously:
>Methoxide the easy way
>More here:
>Mixing the methoxide
>And more here:
>Adding the methoxide
>If reprocessing doesn't work then you have heavily used WVO (used
>oil) with a high Free Fatty Acid level and you'll either have to
>learn how to titrate it for an accurate lye quantity, or, better for
>newcomers, abandon it and get better oil - and STILL learn how to
>titrate it for accurate lye quantities.
>You can find out all about that and much more at the link I gave you
>Make your own biodiesel
>Check the links Noam.
> >I did the same experiment with my 6th period class and it seemed
> >turn out alright. I mixed methoxide in a plastic bucket with a mixer
> >and by hand.
>Use a closed container, see the links above and Todd's message.
> >I was scared of static electricity making a spark though and
> >igniting the whole thing.  Is this a danger?  Is the methanol less
> >volatile once you add the lye?
>Nope. Do it the Easy way.
> >thanks,
> >
> >Noam Gundle
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I made a 5 gallon batch today, and had a few problems. I tried to
> >>mix the methanol/lye in blenders, and it didn't work.  The seals of
> >>the blenders must be shot, because the methanol leaked out. So we
> >>mixed the methoxide by hand in a large beaker (all done in my fume
> >>hood).
> >>
> >>I added the lye in two batches, with half the methanol/lye in each.
> >>When I went to add the second batch, there was this weird gummy
> >>stuff floating on top. It looked like tofu curds, or congealed
> >>something. It was creamy brown and broke apart when I poked it. I
> >>hesitated to remove it because i worried about upsetting the
> >>balance of lye.  I did take out one small piece to try to identify
> >>it.
> >>
> >>I have NEVER seen this before. Has anyone else? Any advice?
> >>
> >>Also, when I blended the methanol/lye, the container got very hot.
> >>I immediately stopped it because I was worried about explosions. It
> >>got hot when I mixed it by hand too. Is this normal?
> >>
> >>I would appreciate any help anyone feels like offering.
> >>
> >>thanks,
> >>
> >>Noam Gundle
> >
> >Hello Noam
> >
> >It does get hot, an exothermic reaction. Methoxide can be very
> >unkind to blender seals. Best to keep the blender for test batch
> >processing, mix the methoxide separately in an HDPE carboy or
> >something similar.
> >
> >Here's the best way to mix it:
> >
> >Methoxide the easy way
> >http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_aleksnew.html#easymeth
> >
> >More here:
> >
> >Mixing the methoxide
> >http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make2.html#methmix
> >
> >And more here:
> >
> >Adding the methoxide
> >http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_processor5.html#methadd
> >Simple 5-gallon processor: Journey to Forever
> >
> >See also:
> >
> >Make your own biodiesel
> >http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html
> >
> >I don't know what the gummy stuff might have been.
> >
> >Anyway, did you end up with biodiesel?
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith

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