Ali Al-Naimi's speech also at:
Oil minister's speech to CSIS in Washington DC

Saudi Arabia - US Relations Newsletter  - U.S.-Saudi Relations and 
Global Energy Security Conference

U.S.-Saudi Relations and Global Energy Security 
Part 1

Ali al-Naimi
Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
with remarks and introduction by Brent Scowcroft

Editor's Note:

The Saudi-US Relations Information Service is pleased to provide its 
readers with a transcript of remarks from an April 27, 2004 
conference hosted by the Center for Strategic and International 
Studies and the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council.  The conference 
addressed U.S.-Saudi relations and global energy security with 
high-level speakers from the United States and Saudi Arabia.  The 
conference explored the link between affordable energy and economic 

This discussion of relations and energy is especially timely.  Just 
last week Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, addressing a Foreign 
Policy Association and U.S. Saudi Business Council event, said he 
wanted to "sound the alert that the harmony of our long and fruitful 
relations is threatened."  Moreover, the rising cost of crude oil in 
the world market and of gasoline in the US while OPEC moves to cut 
production have raised even more questions about Saudi-US relations 
in this critical area of cooperation.  These questions recently 
consumed much of American media in the reaction to Bob Woodward's 
book "Plan of Action." They were also explored in an appearance on 
"Meet the Press" by Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S., Prince 

Therefore, we believe it is important to bring you the comments of 
leaders from Saudi Arabia and the United States on these important 
issues.  Transcripts from other presentations at the conference will 
be circulated in coming days.

The following are introductory remarks made by Brent Scowcroft, 
President, Forum for International Policy and Minister Ali al-Naimi, 
Saudi Arabian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

Brent Scowcroft, President, Forum for International Policy and CSIS 
Trustee:  Thank you very much.  It's very nice to be here, and I 
apologize for being late, I went to the wrong conference. 
[Laughter]   Not unusual for me.

It's a great pleasure for me to add my welcome to you for today's 
conference and to introduce the first panel of the conference but let 
me begin with just a couple of general remarks. 

As our sponsor and Patrick Cronin said, this could not be a more 
timely topic, and I certainly commend the U.S.-Saudi Business Council 
and CSIS for their foresight.   

Earlier this year, CSIS sponsored the first in a series of events 
dealing with global oil supply.  At one meeting, senior Saudi Aramco 
officials I think persuasively made the case for the kingdom's 
substantial reserve base, reservoir management practices, and their 
intentions to be a reliable, long-term supplier.  Today's meetings, 
as Patrick Cronin has said, are designed to go beyond these initial 
technical talks to the broader topics of the energy security and the 
U.S.-Saudi relationship.

Events since September 11th have reinforced the view that a defining 
feature of the 21st century is global interdependence.  And nowhere 
in the market is it more evident than in relations between the 
Kingdom and the United States. 

Interdependent relations always suffer from stress.  The genius of 
diplomacy and the strength of long-term relations are the willingness 
and ability of the parties to manage and solve problems cooperatively 
as they arise. 

Every relationship is imperfect by any number of measures but our 
mutual willingness to persevere over a long and somewhat difficult 
period suggests that both sides view the effort as critical and 
strategically important.  That effort begins with dialogue.  And, 
that dialogue is about to take place with our first panel on energy 
security and new perspectives.

No one is better able to begin the oil part of that dialogue than our 
first speaker, His Excellency Ali Al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia's Minister 
of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

Minister Al-Naimi's career spans 50 years and is marked by unique 
accomplishments and distinguished service.  He is the first Saudi to 
rise through the ranks of Aramco to become Company President and 
Chief Executive Officer.  His career has progressed through the full 
range of the company's exploration, producing and staff operations, 
beginning in the oil fields of the Eastern Province.

In 1995, he was appointed minister, becoming the first Saudi to serve 
both as head of Aramco and then Minister.  In addition, he serves on 
the Supreme Petroleum Council, the Supreme Economic Council and as 
Chairman of Aramco. 

In his career, he expanded the Saudi oil sector, integrating it into 
the world oil market and making Aramco a truly world-class company.  
Most recently, he oversaw the opening of the natural gas sector to 
foreign equity investment. 

Please join me in welcoming Minister Al-Naimi.

Minister Ali Al-Naimi: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very 
happy to be back in Washington to participate in the second 
conference on the U.S.-Saudi Arabia economic and energy relationship. 
First, though, I would like to thank John Hamre, the President of the 
Center for Strategic and International Studies for organizing this 
timely conference and for his kind invitation to address this 
distinguished gathering.

Much has been said recently about the two issues of great importance 
to Saudi Arabia. The first is the U.S.-Saudi relationship; and the 
second is the future of oil. My remarks today will address both 

It would be incorrect to say that the history of U.S.-Saudi relations 
is only about oil. The relationship between our two countries is more 
complex and extensive than that and examples of cooperation in areas 
of mutual benefit are numerous. Nevertheless, there is no denying 
that the key pillar of our relationship is a shared commitment to 
ensuring the availability and security of adequate supplies of 
petroleum to meet world needs at fair prices that are conductive to 
overall economic growth.

We have witnessed during our lifetimes an unprecedented growth in the 
global economy and that has produced better lives for many of the 
world's peoples. There is no doubt in my mind that the economic 
progress of the 20th century and now the 21st century was made 
possible by the availability of plentiful supplies of reasonably 
priced energy and in particular, petroleum.

It's an impressive story, but not one that often grabs headlines. In fact it 
has been easy to become complacent about something as quietly consistent and 
reliable as the availability of petroleum and the products we derive from it. 

It would be incorrect 
to say that the history 
of U.S.-Saudi relations 
is only about oil. The relationship between 
our two countries is 
more complex and 
extensive than that 
and examples of 
cooperation in areas 
of mutual benefit are numerous. 

One flips on the switch and the light comes on. When you need to go 
to the market to buy food you jump in your car, turn the key and off 
you go. When you need the plastics which are an integral part of 
modern life, they are there. Something as reliable and readily 
available as petroleum, however impressive, is often taken for 
granted, only drawing attention when something goes wrong.

Undeniably, we have faced numerous challenges over the past 30 years, 
but the one thing that has not wavered, that has worked with quiet 
consistency, efficiency and reliability is the supply of petroleum 
from Saudi Arabia to the United States and the rest of the world. 
Over the past 30 years through both the normal times and during times 
of upheaval, there have been few things more reliable than petroleum 
exports from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is blessed with a magnificent endowment of petroleum 
resources unequaled anywhere. We believe that we have a 
responsibility to use this endowment in a constructive manner to 
bring stability to our markets, wherever we can. Our approach is one 
of moderation with the aim of ensuring security of supply for 
customers and stability of prices in the world oil market.

"We work at it day in and day out, investing huge sums in the latest 
technologies, searching the world for the best talent, and then 
continuously training our workforce to meet the challenges of the new 

A Saudi operator works at the Shedgum Gas Plant, one of 
the three giant gas processing plants in the kingdom's 
Master Gas System.
(Photo by S. M. Amin/Aramco/PADIA)

The reliability of supplies from Saudi Arabia is not just the product 
of good fortune, rather it's a direct result of Saudi Arabia's 
commitment to ensuring oil market stability. We work at it day in and 
day out, investing huge sums in the latest technologies, searching 
the world for the best talent, and then continuously training our 
workforce to meet the challenges of the new millennium.

It comes from our commitment to maintain spare production capacity at 
a significant cost to ourselves, to provide an insurance policy for 
world oil markets. And it comes from our commitment to maintain 
relationships in all major markets, even when it is contrary to our 
short-term economic interest to do so. We do all this so that we can 
maintain the reliability upon which the world has come to depend.

During times of turmoil when the world has needed more crude oil, Saudi Arabia 
has worked without fanfare to promote stability in world markets. One has to 
look no further back than early 2003 which was a particularly difficult time 
for world oil markets. A cold winter in the northern hemisphere, nuclear power 
problem in Japan, soaring natural gas prices in the U.S., political unrest in 
Venezuela, a strike in Nigeria and war in Iraq all threatened to destabilize 
world markets but Saudi Arabia was able to respond quickly with additional 
supplies to restore equilibrium to world markets by utilizing its spare 
production capacity.

We believe that stability 
in world oil markets 
depends on having 
adequate spare 
production capacity 
for maintaining balance 
in the market. Saudi 
Arabia is committed to 
providing a major 
portion of the world's 
spare capacity.

We believe that stability in world oil markets depends on having 
adequate spare production capacity for maintaining balance in the 
market. Saudi Arabia is committed to providing a major portion of the 
world's spare capacity. We do it because we understand the importance 
of having a cushion for those times in the future when for whatever 
reason supplies from other sources are insufficient to meet demand. 
Our spare capacity has paid great dividends over the years by helping 
to minimize disruptions to the world economy.

Let me shift my focus, ladies and gentlemen, to the future. We have 
heard recently a number of analysts declare that the end of the age 
of oil is upon us. These naysayers maintain that the world is running 
out of oil. They say that we need to find alternatives quickly if we 
are to avoid a calamity of historic proportions. They are drawn to 
this conclusion by their pessimistic assumptions about remaining oil 
reserves and the degree to which this oil is recoverable.

Unlike these pessimists, I am quite optimistic about the future. Will there be 
challenges to overcome? My answer is yes. There are always challenges. Are we 
up to the task? Most certainly. We have faced many challenges before and by 
exercising our will, skills and intelligence, we overcame them. And we will 
continue to do so in the future.

I am quite optimistic 
about the future. Will 
there be challenges to 
My answer is yes. 
There are always challenges. 
Are we up to the task? 
Most certainly.

Will it cost more in the future to find and produce oil? Probably 
yes. New discoveries are likely to be smaller, in more isolated 
locations and possibly more challenging to produce. Some of the 
fields would require the application of enhanced recovery 
technologies to maintain production levels. However, history shows 
that technical advances have steadily lowered costs over time and 
incidentally, have enabled producers to increase their proven 
reserves. Even if costs do arise we are confident that they will not 
be an insurmountable barrier to the development of future petroleum 

Is technology the problem as some of the pessimists maintain? 
Certainly not. The proper application of technology will raise output 
while holding down costs.

Now let me elaborate a little further on these points. With regard to 
recent claims that the world is rapidly running out of oil, I would 
like to point out that this is not the first time we have heard 
warnings of impending scarcity. In fact dire Malthusian predictions 
about oil and other natural resources have been voiced now and again 
for at least the last 100 years. The most commonly held argument is 
that mankind faces the imminent exhaustion of the world's natural 
resources, including petroleum, due to growing population and the 
profligate lifestyles of wealthy nations.

How did past predictions of doom and gloom fare? Not very well. 
During this period when we were supposed to be running out of oil, 
world oil reserves continued to grow from about 550 billion barrels 
in 1970 to more than 1.2 trillion barrels today. What is all the more 
remarkable is that this increase occurred despite the fact that the 
world consumed over 800 billion barrels during this period.

In the case of Saudi Arabia our reserves were estimated to be about 
88 billion barrels in 1970. Today we conservatively estimate them at 
261 billion barrels, despite the intervening 35 years of production. 
Saudi Aramco President and CEO Abdallah Jum'ah will provide greater 
details on Saudi Arabia reserves and future production potential in 
the conference's second session.

Some skeptics express this belief. Of the nearly three-fold increase 
in our reserve number over the past 30 years there is really nothing 
magical about these numbers. Our years of experience gained from 
producing oil fields along with advances in technology have provided 
us with invaluable new knowledge about our petroleum resources. This 
knowledge has helped us to better appreciate their size and enhanced 
our ability to recover these resources.

I would like to emphasize that all of our reserve estimates are 
extremely conservative and you can rest assured that our booked 
reserves are very real.

But what about the future, you may ask? We take the issue of oil 
production taking seriously and are constantly monitoring and 
assessing the latest data and trends. I am happy to report to you 
that our analysis gives us reasons to be optimistic about the future. 
Current world proven reserves are estimated at 1.2 trillion barrels. 
The U. S. Geological Survey estimates that another 1.3 trillion 
barrels of oil and natural gas liquids will become available in the 
future. This will come from undiscovered resources and more accurate 
assessment of reserves located in existing fields. The additional oil 
raises the conventional liquid reserve and resources to over 2.5 
trillion barrels.

But that's not all. There are vast amounts of unconventional heavy 
oil and bitumen. The in-place volume of these two resources is 
estimated at about 3.7 trillion barrels -- 570 billion barrels or 15 
percent of these resources are expected to be recoverable. Based on 
the current global oil consumption rate these conventional and 
unconventional oil resources would last for more than 100 years.

Some pessimists are even suggesting that output from Saudi Arabia's 
oil fields is set to decline sharply in the next few years. Let me 
reassure you, this is not the case. As I stated previously, the 
reserves reported are there, in fact the estimates are quite 
conservative and there is considerable up-side potential to book 
additional reserves. None of our booked reserves require enhanced 
recovery techniques.  

We are confident there is more oil to be found in Saudi Arabia. There 
are vast areas of Saudi Arabia yet to be explored. They present great 
opportunities for new discoveries. We expect the cumulative impact of 
these new finds to be quite significant.

A bulldozer clears an area of harsh lava 
desert in northwestern Saudi Arabia 
for seismic exploration. 
(Photo by S. M. Amin/Aramco/PADIA)

On this point I want to be clear, ladies and gentlemen. We have more 
than sufficient reserves to increase production capacity and are 
committed to do so in line with demand growth. We also possess the 
human, financial and technical resources to do the job. Our technical 
experts in a previous presentation here have shown clearly that Saudi 
Arabia could without much difficulty raise output from 10.5 million 
barrels per day to 12 or 15 million barrels per day and maintain that 
level of output for 50 years or more. How can we do this? We can do 
this because of our vast resources and because we are extremely 
careful in producing the oil fields. We'll produce them slowly with 
the aim of maximizing overall recovery wherever companies may look at 
a 20 year production profile we are looking to produce our fields for 
70 to 100 years.  This is our guiding principle and a principle we 
will not compromise for short-term expediencies.

Let me say a quick word about technology. History has shown that 
technology has dramatically lowered the cost of finding and producing 
oil. New technologies like 3D and 4D seismic, horizontal drilling, 
and sophisticated computer modeling have all had a dramatic impact on 
our industry. Granted, when used incorrectly technology can be 
detrimental, but I firmly believe that with careful application 
future technologies will provide us even more effective tools to find 
and produce more oil while reducing costs from what they might have 

It is undeniable that the world will eventually run out of oil. 
Demand is projected to increase and to the best of my knowledge oil 
continues to be a depletable resources. The relevant question is not 
if, but when. On this, we feel fairly confident. We believe that 
there will be no shortage of oil for at least the next 50 years, 
perhaps much longer. And as I stated previously, based only on our 
knowledge of our currently proved reserves, we believe that Saudi 
Arabia could produce at substantially higher levels for the next 50 
years. We believe that reserve additions will enhance our future 
production capabilities over and above what they are currently.

We are able to state confidently that sufficient quantities remain to 
make oil an important source of energy for many years to come. We 
believe there are sufficient reserves in Saudi Arabia and the rest of 
the world to last until there is an inevitable transition from the 
age of oil to the next great source of energy.  

Future of Global Oil Supply: Saudi Arabia -- A Conference Hosted at the Center 
for Strategic and International Studies 


Saudi Arabia's Oil Reserves - Overview


Introductory Remarks


Presentation - Mr. Mahmoud M. Abdul Baqi, Saudi Aramco, Vice 
President, Exploration
[ Audio ]  [ Text ]  [ Bio ]


Presentation, Dr. Nansen Saleri, Saudi Aramco, Manager, Reservoir Management 
[ Audio ]  [ Text ]  [ Bio ] 


[ Slides - Summary - 50 Year Crude Oil Supply Scenarios: Saudi 
Aramco's Perspective - (PDF - 2.17MB) ]


[ Slides - Presentation - 50 Year Crude Oil Supply Scenarios (PDF - 4.89MB) ] 


[Saudi Aramco Quick Facts ]


Discussion Forum

I remind the audience that the shift from coal to oil which occurred 
in late 19th and 20th and early 20th century did not occur because 
the world ran out of coal. It occurred because oil proved to be the 
superior energy source. Eventually technological advances will usher 
in a new energy resource to replace oil. Oil will not cede its 
position as the preeminent fuel because the world runs dry but 
because technology has rendered it less desirable.

We in Saudi Arabia believe there are sufficient quantities of oil 
left to make the transition to the next great energy source a smooth 

Turning to a subject which is on the mind of many of you in the 
audience I would like to say something about current oil prices. I 
know everybody is interested in that.   [Laughter]

We have heard some commentators question Saudi Arabia's commitment to 
the $25 OPEC basket price and to the $22 to $28 price range. Let me 
set the record straight on this issue. Saudi Arabia continues to be 
committed to OPEC's $22 to $28 price bands and believes that an OPEC 
basket price of $25 is a fair one for both consumers and producers. 
However, oil markets are complex and not subject to control by 
anyone. Even Saudi Arabia and other members of OPEC with their vast 
reserves have only a limited ability to keep prices in their 
preferred range.

This is particularly true when the primary factors driving prices are 
things other than the supply and demand of crude oil in international 
markets. This is the case today.

Let me expand on this point. There is no general shortage of crude oil in 
today's market. Supplies are readily available. Any buyer or seller of crude 
oil will tell you this. Rather, prices are being driven by other factors 
including fears of instability in key oil-producing countries and regions, the 
movement of large investment funds into communities like oil, just in time 
inventory practices, refining bottlenecks and the industry's struggle to 
produce sufficient quantities of spec gasoline in the U.S. that meets currently 
mandated environmental standards.  

A shipment of oil barrels. 
(Photo by Katrina Thomas/Aramco/PADIA)

In the U.S. a plethora of state and local regulations have vulcanized 
the gasoline markets placing increasing strains on refiners to meet 
local demands.

On this occasion let me state emphatically that Saudi Arabia is 
willing and ready to invest in two new 500,000 barrel per day 
refineries and their associated marketing facilities in the U. S. to 
help alleviate some of the bottlenecks in product availability. Some 
place the blame on OPEC saying the organization is purposely pushing 
prices higher. They cite as evidence OPEC's decision to cut output. I 
should like to correct this misunderstanding.

When OPEC decided to cut output the decision was based on the best 
information from the world's leading industry experts including the 
IEA and the AIA who were all saying that crude supply was running 
ahead of demand which indicates that the stage was set for a 
significant deterioration in oil prices in the second quarter of this 

OPEC's goal in taking this action was to maintain a balance between 
demand and supply based on what was the best information available 
was telling us. It was not a move to abandon the $22 to $28 price 
band for higher prices.

In retrospect, demand was much stronger in the first quarter than the 
experts anticipated. Projection of worldwide demand for 2004 
increased from one million in projections in November 2003 to 1.7 
million barrels per day recently.  Five upward revisions of demand in 
five consecutive months.

Now what will the second quarter look like? Will the experts' 
original expectations for downward price pressure prove to be 
correct? There are signs that worldwide inventories have begun to 
build but no one really knows for sure. However I promise you that we 
and our counterparts in OPEC will continue to monitor developments 
very closely and will take appropriate action to maintain the 
stability in oil markets.

I must caution that OPEC is only one factor that impacts oil prices 
and the higher crude oil production does not guarantee that there is 
more gasoline available for U. S. consumers.  

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to leave you with the following 
points. First, the U. S. and Saudi Arabia have shared for many 
decades a commitment to ensuring the availability of sufficient 
supplies of energy to meet the needs of the world's growing 
economies. We share an appreciation of energy's role as the raw 
material fulfilling the aspirations of mankind.

Both of our countries also understand the importance of stability in 
the oil market, security of supply and reliability of deliveries. 
That's why Saudi Arabia has committed ourselves to the world's most 
reliable supplier of energy. We back up this commitment by having 
nurtured and developed an oil industry whose capabilities I am proud 
to say are second to none. We do it through a massive commitment of 
financial resources to acquire the latest technologies, to attract 
the brightest minds and to train a modern workforce able to meet the 
challenges of the 21st century. We do it by maintaining spare 
production capacity and regional supply relationships even when they 
run contrary to our short-term economic interests.

..the U. S. and Saudi 
Arabia have shared for 
many decades a 
commitment to ensuring 
the availability of 
sufficient supplies of 
energy to meet the 
needs of the world's 
growing economies.. 
..Both of our countries 
also understand the 
importance of stability 
in the oil market, security 
of supply and reliability 
of deliveries..


Second, the future for oil and the oil industry is a bright one. This 
is not the end of the age of oil as some pessimists have been saying. 
There is plenty of oil left to be found and produced and petroleum 
will remain the dominant energy source for years to come. I assure 
you that Saudi Arabia's reserves are real and that we have the 
potential to produce at much higher rates in line with the growing 
demand for many years.

Yes, the age of oil will eventually come to an end but we see no 
shortages on the horizon and there is no reason for pessimism or 
panic. Pessimism and panic undermine oil market stability. There is 
time for progressive research and development and I see no reason 
that we should not experience a smooth transition to the next great 
energy source.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, we will continue to face many 
challenges in the future as we have in the past. Perhaps the greatest 
challenge we face is to meet the world's growing appetite for energy. 
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia share a long history, working side by side 
we have achieved much. Working together in the early days we overcame 
harsh conditions and extreme hardships and brought Saudi Arabia's 
vast petroleum resources to world markets. We continue to share a 
strong interest in stable and secure oil markets and we both 
understand that stability and reliability are not achievable without 
demand and supply security.  We have much to build on and I believe 
working together we can pave the way for a better future for the 
world and its people.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much.

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