In that case Yahoo "changed" my settings for me

and I never checked.
I just thought it was a "slow" list like the other two alt fuel lists I'm on.

BTW, can we keep the political rhetoric to a minimum?
I found that world wide "Bush Vs Kerry" poll post to be 
bordering on the offensive (though more amusing to 
my finely tuned BS detector)

Frankly I consider myself a "Centrist", but by comparison 
to the "foaming at the mouth" leftist/liberals I may SEEM to 
be "right wing"... an appearance purely created by their 
skewed view of things...

If someone posts stuff like that I'm going to reply to it.
and if those posts are allowed and contrary views aren't....

the simply solution is don't post political BS either from 
the left or the right.


At 09:22 PM 9/9/04 +0900, you wrote:
>Hello AllanD
>>Two comments
>>At 09:06 AM 9/9/04 +0900, you wrote:
>> >People sometimes complain that they're being swamped or flooded with
>> >hundreds of emails a day. But the Biofuel list isn't a high volume
>> >list, which would have 200-300 emails a day, just medium volume with
>> >about 30 or so messages a day. If you can't handle this list as an
>> >information resource then you should improve your techniques, because
>> >a whole world of knowledge is passing you by.
>>30 messages? since when? I've been on email only since I subscribed
>>and I'm not sure I've gotten 30 messages since july...
>>This is a "slow" list traffic wise....
>>if people can't deal with this list's traffic they certainly don't
>>have time to make their own dinner let alone their own fuel.
>Slow? Not sure where you've been, but since the end of July there 
>have been 965 messages, average 25 a day, slightly lower than usual. 
>Not just 30 total.
>It says here according to Yahoo that your email account was set to 
>'No Email'. Let's see if it's still like that...
>Yep - No email, since 6/17/2004        .
>Maybe my message was meant just for you? :-)
>Anyway, now you're on email, but you'll still have time for dinner.
>Best wishes
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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