trouble. Bio is the way to go. I've been making it and selling it for three years now. No problems. I make more than I need and sell the rest which pays for all expense.. Get together with some friends and make Bio D................DB ----- Original Message ----- From: "Eva Reale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 8:39 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] WVO Advice Requested

Hello, there Grease World,

I live in Northern CA and am in the process of deciding whether to "join the club." I am interested in WVO (and probably an older Mercedes model) but I need to talk to some experienced folks as part of my research. I was thinking about a 2-tank system, but during the week I take a short drive (15-minutes) to the ferry landing and commute from there. It doesn't seem worth warming up the car via 2-tank for such a short drive, especially as I'm usually in a hurry. I was told I could run the 2-tank like a 1-tank and not worry about it (in Northern CA) for my short drives... I'm not interested in making my own biodiesel. Some folks in a smaller email group told me that running WVO on a single tank was nuts unless I wanted to destroy the engine.

I'd love some advice. Any advice on WVO, including what are the best kinds of oil to use and what are the worst. Anything that anyone would be willing to share. I realize you've probably already shared a lot, but I'd appreciate any advice.

Thanks to anyone who chooses to reply.


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