43433 says:
"User report:

>STAY AWAY FROM THE BEADS......the pumps work well but you
>can find them cheaper elsewhere, same with the biopass filter.......STAY
No details, therefore useless.

37536 says:
The same thing, a quote from Adlai & Meredith
No details, therefore useless.

Following the link here is follow-up post by Meredith:
Here she states "I by no means understand the whole chemical side of
fuels or biodiesel (okay I barely passed chemistry)".  With that
statement and references to use of hydrogenated oil I really question
the way they were used.  For all I can tell, they didn't drive off the
water before using them and tried to use it to add double bonds to the

UPDATE: In all fairness to the manufacturer, I will state that Bob
Green has been extremely timely with his response to both our emails.
Here is his latest response:

Sounds like you picked the wrong type of oil to recycle. Sound like
mcdonalds grease. some oils are so badly hydrogenated they never get
clear. The best you can do is ad 50% diesel and get them thin enough
to flow properly. Try getting some good used soy from a Chinese
restaurant or a fish and chips place. Those types of oils are easier
to work with than the hydrogenated stuff you have.

Margarine starts out as a clear thin oil (corn oil) and THEN they
Hydrogenate it until it gets thick and cloudy and presto you have

Some restaurants only use hydrogenated oils and it best to stay away
from those types of oils.
If you have use this stuff you have you will have to use a 50/50 ratio
of Diesel to oil.

Do yourself a favor and try to find some other oil sources. The stuff
you have is the worst type to work with!!!!!!!!!!!


Bob Green

We will try some different oil when we get a chance. I guess my
biggest gripe is that the ad states that the product does things that
it obviously doesn't do such as:

"Decontaminates ALL types of vegetable oils up to 97% clean.
Removes all types of water bonded molecules from oils and fats.
Turns mucky and milky waste oil emulsions into clear (non-opaque)
burnable fuels." and on and on for like 20 pages (I just printed it

At the end of our experiment we had the oil (that was extremely
diluted with regular diesel and warmed up in a hot water heater) that
looked pretty clear go into the beads. What came out was totally
opaque (the pumps were on the slowest setting).....I by no means
understand the whole chemical side of fuels or biodiesel (okay I
barely passed chemistry) but I do know enough to say that in my
opinion this product does not work in the manner that is advestised
(and I think I was probably one whom the ad was targeted to;
mechanically inclined but not so chemically aware?). Anyway, next time
we change our oil in the truck we'll see how the beads handle the
black oil and I will let you all know.....unless anyone in in the
market for some slightly used Acusorb Beads??? :) (I also have a
bridge for sale) :)

Until then feel free to spam away :) 


So unless I missed something (if I did please provide the link) there
is no evidence that the beads work or don't work in any capacity.  I
agree that the site is overstated, but I see no evidence that the
claims are completely unfounded.


P.S. Does anyone have Meredith's email address?  If I could ask a few
questions on what was done, perhaps I could determine what happened.

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 21:00:27 +0900, Keith Addison
> Hello Andy, Paul
> Please read this previous message:
> http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/BIOFUEL/43433/
> ... and follow the link there:
> http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/BIOFUEL/37536/
> What it tells you about the website itself should give you some
> indication of what they're trying to sell, quite apart from all the
> sneers at stupid people trying to make that awful stuff known as
> biodiesel. Naah. It's a no-no, and so are they.
> Best wishes
> Keith
> >Paul,
> >
> >"If it is as the web site selling them tells it" is the key part of
> >the statement.  I can't seem to get any good information on them.
> >Most of the information I have is anecdotal at best.  If I would
> >beleive any of the works/doesn't work stories - I would also have to
> >beleive that meths and lye don't work to make BioD simply because
> >someone couldn't do it.  I would also have to believe that there is no
> >safe way to run WVO in an mercedes 80's diesel and you can dump WVO
> >into any diesel and it will work fine at the same time.  I have read
> >anecdotal stories on all of these, but very little facts to go along
> >with them.
> >
> >Andy
> >
> >
> >On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 18:11:57 -0500, Arbuckle, Paul
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have some questions about the Acusorb beads.
> > > what kind of product do they make.  If it is as the web site
> >selling them tells it why use chemicals and other stuff.  Is the end
> >product as good a quality as the reaction method?
> > > I found three sights selling these products, all at different
> >prices is there more?  All were resellers so who really makes this
> >stuff?
> > > The web site selling them says they are a good use in the
> >reaction process. would you use filter and beads with WVO before
> >reacting or after to filter and remove water of both?
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > Behalf Of Bill Clark
> > > Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:34 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] re: Bill Clark and Acusorb Beads
> > >
> > > Hello Andy,
> > >
> > > A freind of mine is puting in a new stove and has promised me his
> >old one. I
> > > intend it for regenerating the beads I have. As soon as I can I will grab 
> > > a
> > > hand full and see what happens at 400 F.
> > >
> > > Bill Clark
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Andrew Cunningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:05 PM
> > > Subject: [Biofuel] re: Bill Clark and Acusorb Beads
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Someone recently replied,
> > > > "I did a quick seach and it turned up this description of them:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.survivalunlimited.com/biodiesel.htm#techno
> > > >
> > > > It probably is a form of silica with the additional salts.  If I'm not=
> > > >  mistaken industry refers to this as a molecular sieve."
> > > >
> > > > I doubt that these are zeolites, silica compounds, molecular sieves
> > > > since they have to be regenerated at greater than 350F..  The
> > > > description states that these beads turn black when heated over that.
> > > > Could we ask Bill to take one and bake it at 400F and see if it turns
> > > > black?  Please Bill :)
> > > >
> > > > Andy
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