I'm not American but I'm awful proud of what the American soldiers did.You talk to the average American solider and he knows what he is doing . He's no dummy. As any solider in any war that puts his life on the line for his/her country to fight for life and justice and knows that his /her ultimate sacrifice will be for the better of future generation, my grandfather/mother fought against the oppressing Nazi regime and gave the ultimate sacrifice... that is to be honored.This is not a Michael Moore twisted fantasy/ disneyland film.This is reality. I think anybody that enjoys peace, life and a democratic/freedom of speech society and can sit around bad mouthing everything because someone ,somewhere said this or that is a hypocrite. I wouldn't want George Bush's job, would you? One slip up and someone is launching a nuclear attack on your country because the majority of American are of a certain religious background and infidels. Anybody think they can do better? I didn't think so.
ps I've read the Koran.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Redler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 01 April, 2005 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Re: The Energy Crunch To Come

Hi Henry,

Hitler and Suddam Hussein were weapons of mass destruction? I agree and sympathies with your statement. But; Boy, does that open Pandora's box.

This causes one to ask all kinds of questions about sovereignty, hypocrisy and whether or not to act on what we think a dictator might do (the Bush administration's current policy) in the future.

Mike R

Henri Naths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to give a humble option here,
( Hakan wrote;...Criminal, established by the fact that we now know that
Iraq were no WMD threat to US. )
We took out Hitler for the same reason, Him and Suddam Hussein were weapons
of mass destruction.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hakan Falk"
Sent: 31 March, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Re: The Energy Crunch To Come


You were right and I am wrong and I am glad that I did get
a very good explanation on how Hubbert could be so right.

It also explains why president Carter was so genuinely
worried, when he developed his energy plan. He had the
foresight to realize that Hubbert was right.

It also explains why we see the surge in the genuine hate
of Americans. It is the cost of aggressive and egoistic foreign
policies, that resulted in about 10 more years of artificially
low oil prices.

All of this, ending up in an almost criminal behavior by the
Bush administration. I say almost, because I do not want
to be too "crude". The legal aspect of being criminal, is very
clearly established, Criminal, established by the fact that we
now know that Iraq were no WMD threat to US. By laying
the responsibility at the feet of faulty "US intelligence
community", the Bush administration is trying deliberately
to avoid their legal responsibility. A kind of reversed side
of the well known argument "it was not my fault, I was
ordered to do it". LOL

All of this supported by the America people, in a reelection
of president Bush. I hear the false argument that only 48%
voted him in office. This argument is poor mathematics, I
cannot get to this result, when Bush won with a more than
3 million of the populous American vote. It was the first
election of Bush, that he did not have a populous majority
and he was put in office by the Courts.


At 11:16 PM 3/31/2005, you wrote:
All I know is what I read in the brief biography. (and what I recall from
hearing about his work many years ago)

Hakan Falk wrote:
I stand corrected and the only excuse I have, is that I only brought
forward a mistake that I read earlier. I remember that it was an article
about the hearings in US congress in mid 70'. Will however not do this
mistake again, but do not despair, there are many others I will do and
surely in my far from perfect English. -:)
What was his field at Berkeley?

At 05:35 PM 3/31/2005, you wrote:

Howdy Hakan, calling him a mathematician is a bit short-sighted.


Hubbert was born in San Saba, Texas in 1903. He attended the University
of Chicago, where he received his B.S. in 1926, his M.S. in 1928, and
his Ph.D in 1937, studying geology, mathematics, and physics. He worked
as an assistant geologist for the Amerada Petroleum Company for two
years while pursuing his Ph.D. He joined the Shell Oil Company in 1943,
retiring in 1964. After he retired from Shell, he became a senior
research geophysicist for the United States Geological Survey until his
retirement in 1976. He also held positions as a professor of geology and
geophysics at Stanford University from 1963 to 1968, and as a professor
at Berkeley from 1973 to 1976.

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