One way of looking at is the increased price of petroleum
 satisfies the oil bosses desires for profits and possibly
 the decreased demand for petroleum products from the public
 without increasing taxes to discourage its use sometime in
 the future. 

 Is their any truth to the increased demand from
 India and China for personal transportation which
 might increase petroleum product prices due to the
 lack of supply? 

> How many of us had an "AHA moment" when reading this article?
> We now see the real reason for this illegal war [or at least one of the
> reasons].
> Saddam Hussein was about to be given a clean bill of health by the UN
> inspection team beacuse he obviously didn't have WMD's.  He was then going
> to open the spigots and start selling oil.  Not only was he going to sell
> oil for Euros exacerbating the decline of the dollar, but that would also
> have driven the global price of oil down.
> Clearly, EXXON/Mobile, Chevron/Texaco, BP/Amoco et. al.  did not want the
> price of oil to go down.
> "ExxonMobil Corporation reported the fourth quarter of 2004 as its highest
> quarter ever..."
> Scott

> >  ----- Original Message -----
> >  Instead of inaugurating a new age of cheap oil, the Iraq war may become
> >  known as the beginning of an era of scarcity.
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