
I guess we could all use a bit of inadvertent quagmire extenuation, but the heavens (UFOs, flying windmills and all) forfend that we should be assailed with horribly acidulous primordial ooze by raptorial conglomerates!



> Hi Hoagy

Hey Keith

> > > >
> > > > D. Flying Electric Generators

> > > It's a danger to UFOs.
> > > Keith

> > Take your laser pen and redirect traffic or
> > put some running lights on them

> LOL! Do you think waving a laser pen at a speeding UFO would be safer
> than sawing open an acetylene tank with an angle cutter?

Either way it'll get their attention if we do it to um
but it might inundate a acidulous incursion of a cosmically
corrosive nature and we wouldn't want that would we.

> > or if you've
> > heard something forward us the news from out yonder.

> Yes, I have news:
>  From 1994 to 1932 in Only Three Minutes
> But it has less to do with their lousy driving habits than with what
> they do to amuse themselves here in our midst after they've landed,
> evil swine that they are. Actually it's a restaurant review, I hope
> you don't mind. The "family" liked it, or at least the #1 daughter
> did, she cut out the page and told the manager to paste it on the
> wall.

You had me going there ready to jettison out the door to look
in the sky then my tummy growled hungery for chow mien
from a place I knew as a kid.  The atmosphere isn't the same
but I liked the food and the people their and I get a yen
for it still.

> > Thanks Keith.
> >
> > Maybe we could tune them in to our
> > GPS directional devices to steer them
> > in the right direction and develop
> > intergalactic trade to sway them from
> > further retaliatory actions sending
> > them a signal of our solemn mission
> > and earthly intent.

> :-) You mean turn them onto using biodiesel instead of distilled
> dinosaurs from Andromeda?
> Regards
> Keith

Depending on the efficacy of the process, energy derived and conveyance used
along with how raptorial the conglomerates become with their primordial ooze
the environment seems to suggest something of this nature could transpire
or inadvertently extenuate the quagmire.

You take care and bee careful.

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