Camillo, Keith, Dave,
Thanks for your comments. I would really like to talk
to Prof.Elsbett, please email me his contact if you
The current retail price including tax for
petro-diesel is 14 Baht/L (44Baht=1US$). The bulk
purchase price for coconut oil including transport is
now 11.50 Baht/L. From our campaign, it is most likely
that both 'biodiesel' and vegetable oil will be tax
exempted ! So...Camillo watch out for streams of
enquieries to build plants here in Thailand !
(PS USDA R&D showed that Rape seed is of longer chain
length and containing more unsaturated fatty acid
component than coconut and palm kernel oil.)
 --- Samai Jaiin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Keith,
> The sooner you write the better ! the 'biodiesel'
> movement here is in danger of misinformation. One
> academic even suggested that the cost would be twice
> that of petrodiesel (HSDO=14Baht/L crude palm oil =
> 11.50 Baht/litre, coconut oil = 11 B/litre ) I need
> someone like you to come out and explain that
> converting those oil into biodiesel(the ester) would
> not increase the price by 100%! 
> Furthermore, there are still a lot of confusion
> about
> veg. oil especially the medium chain C12:0 lauric
> acid
> (coconut

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