I am an American, although I am not proud of our President and the majority
of my fellow Americans. We now have a Republican house and senate. So
whatever they want, they will get. If you thought things were going bad
before, watch out World.

America has made it clear that we are addicted to oil.
We elected a President and Vice President who are deep in the oil business.
We continue to tie ourselves to foreign oil and are prepared to do anything
to ensure the oil keeps flowing.
We refuse to listen to any other country and demand to be free to do
whatever we want in the world.
We encourage our large corporations to invade emerging economies to rape and
pillage natural resources, then we protect those invaders with force as

For the record, I am officially stating that there are some Americans who
are horrified with the administration, horrified with the last 20 years of
lies and deceits, horrified at the prospect of more innocents murdered for

Yesterday, more than 10% of the Maine voters chose a Green party candidate
who advocated developing a Maine-based biodisel industry. I'm making my own
biodiesel to heat my house, so when we cuddle up safe and warm this winter,
we will know people didn't have to die just to keep us warm. However, I will
continue to feel guilty about not driving a biodiesel car, and will continue
to fight our country's seemingly endless quest for more oil and larger
profits. I feel truly sorry for anyone living in Iraq, and cannot imagine
the anger and depair you must feel when you think about my country.
Our country was founded upon acts of Terrorism, Riot and Rebellion against
an oppressive Empire. Have we forgotten so soon? Sins of the father and all

Oh well.  In another 10,000 years, all this will be irrelevant anyway. The
Earth will go on as it has before, and we humans will be as extinct as the
dinosaurs. It is hard to see the big picture when you are so close to it.
Justice may come but from here it looks a long, long way off.

At the same time, securing the oil of the Middle East, perhaps with
England's biggest oil companies as partners in the pumping consortium
that will undoubtedly come out of an Iraqi war effort, is promoted to
the British public by the corporate-owned British newspapers and
similarly corporate-loyal UK politicians.

*I've never seen that promoted and nobody would believe it. We all know
that the Americans will carve it up for themselves.

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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