I've been looking at different ways to use diesel motors in my lifestyle, burning biodiesel and/or WVO.  I've run into several people who've said that this or that particular motor won't burn biodiesel.  I'm confused, since I'm fairly sure I've read here and other places that ANY diesel motor with liquid cooling can burn bio and I believe WVO (with modifications, ie xtra fuel tank, straining grease and heating it to 160 F ) with slight modifications to take into account the solvency of bio.  I'm wanting to burn it in my Kubota tractor (new to me, 20+ years old), a replacement pickup for my farm and a perhaps smaller engine to run an electrical generator.
Please let me know, am I right and these people just don't want to take the chance of being wrong (telling me it can burn bio if it can't) or are wrong?  Please also tell me again what modifications to need to be made (specific hose types to change, etc). 
Thank you for your input.  Sincerely, Jason Graves
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