Hello Chris


no doubt refined carbos have their health effects.

Why not go and have a look at what Cleave says about it?


i was just referring to
the implication (whether intentional or not) that hfcs introduction is wholly
responsible for the horrible rates of obesity.

She didn't imply that. It is a major cause though. As I said, it's a disaster.

as though eating and exercise
habits, and the whole plethora of other very bad additives in our foods were

She didn't imply that either.

i found the other posting, about the codix alimentarius, had a similarly
over-simplistic feel to it.  don't get me wrong, i don't presume to deny or
question the basic thesis. i really don't know much about the specifics i.e. just
what the codix is, and how the wfo or who or wto or world bank are connected.
but i *do* know that there is a pretty high awareness of health issues in
europe, and things like alternative medicine and herbal/vitamin suplemments are
pretty well accepted by the mainstream of society.

Which costs big pharma a pile in perceived lost sales and lost markets. This move to curtail it and hijack it has been going on for more than 10 years, and the only factor I've seen in it is big pharma acting true to form as a greedy bully.

so, the implications or
consequences of these rules can't be so cut and dry (not to say that the potential
isn't there, either).

and all of this language about 'our liberty' and 'our independence', and
references as to how this official and that other official are german, it's all
very jingoistic.

You might see it that way, but AFAIK the Codex move has been centred in Germany, which already had restrictive laws in place favouring big pharma, in which this guy seems to have played a leading role.

that kind of stuff just really grates with me and my immediate
reaction is to ask how much of this article's content is disinformation or

Or merely perhaps that you're over-reacting and it's mostly in the eye of the beholder?

Best wishes


anyway, enough ranting. . . .



In a message dated 7/25/05 2:13:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<the blurb about corn syrup is
<<pretty over the top.
<Not really, the stuff is a disaster. HFCS certainly has much to do
<with the rising plague of obesity, and worse. >>

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